
    Sexual discrimination of silkworm cocoon based on X-ray imaging

    • 摘要: 为了实现雌、雄蚕茧分开缫丝,该文提出了一种基于X射线成像技术的蚕茧性别判别方法。利用X射线成像装置获取蚕蛹图像,对蚕蛹图像预处理并提取7个形状特征后,分别采用线性判别分析(LDA)和BP人工神经网络(BPANN)建立判别模型。结果表明同一品种同一时期、同一品种不同时期、不同品种同一时期蚕茧的LDA判别模型性能优于BPANN判别模型;LDA模型识别正确率分别大于91.33%、86.73%、89.53%,BPANN 模型识别正确率分别大于88.47%、81.97%、83.26%,且LDA模型判别时间(68.5?ms)远低于BPANN模型(503.6?ms)。研究结果可为蚕茧性别在线检测提供技术指导。


      Abstract: In order to seperate reeling?of male and female cocoon, a novel method for sexual discrimination of silkworm cocoons based on X-ray imaging technique was proposed. Images of silkworm chrysalis were obtained by X-ray imaging device, and then seven shape features were extracted after pre-processing of silkworm cocoons images. Discrimination models were established by linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and back propagation artificial neural network (BPANN), respectively. The results showed that the performance of LDA was better than that of BPANN between the same species in the same period, the same species at different period of time, and the different species of the same period; the accuracy the recognition of LDA models were larger than 91.33%, 86.73%, 89.53%, respectively; the accuracy of BPANN models were larger than 88.47%, 81.97%, 83.26%, respectively, while the recognition time of LDA model was (68.5 ms) much lower than BPANN model (503.6 ms). The results provide theoretical bases in the real-time testing of cocoon gender.


