
    Sensitivity design for gradual change reliability of mechanical components based on measured information

    • 摘要: 目前机械零部件可靠性设计大多以建立纯理论数学模型为目标,没有把当前工作部件的实测信息和参数渐变性融入到理论模型当中,给零部件的可靠性设计带来一定的误差。为了对既有零部件可靠性进行正确评估,该文在考虑零部件强度为独立增量过程的同时,计算了强度的自相关系数,并研究了载荷作用效应和强度的渐变特性,得到了计算零部件渐变可靠度的方法。将渐变可靠性设计理论与灵敏度分析方法相结合,提出了基于实测信息的零部件渐变可靠性灵敏度设计的计算方法,给出各参数在任意时刻可靠性灵敏度的变化规律,分析了设计参数的改变对零部件可靠性的影响,为机械零部件结构设计和寿命预测提供了理论依据。


      Abstract: Reliability design of mechanical components mostly focused on establishing pure theoretical mathematical model at present, without involving measured information for working components and gradual characteristics of parameters into theoretical model, which caused some errors for reliability design of components. In order to access reliability of existing components correctly, by taking strength of components as a process of independent increments, autocorrelation coefficient of strength was calculated, and effect of loading action and gradual change characteristics of strength was studied, thus a method for computing gradual change reliability was proposed. Combining the reliability design theory with sensitivity analysis method, a numerical method for gradual change reliability sensitivity design of components based on measured information was proposed, and the variation rules of reliability sensitivity of parameters at any moment and effects of design parameters on reliability of components were obtained, which provides the theoretical basis for structural design and life prediction of mechanical components.


