刘战东, 肖俊夫, 于景春, 刘祖贵, 南纪琴. 春玉米品种和种植密度对植株性状和耗水特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(11): 125-131.
    引用本文: 刘战东, 肖俊夫, 于景春, 刘祖贵, 南纪琴. 春玉米品种和种植密度对植株性状和耗水特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(11): 125-131.
    Liu Zhandong, Xiao Junfu, Yu Jingchun, Liu Zugui, Nan Jiqin. Effects of varieties and planting density on plant traits and water consumption characteristics of spring maize[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(11): 125-131.
    Citation: Liu Zhandong, Xiao Junfu, Yu Jingchun, Liu Zugui, Nan Jiqin. Effects of varieties and planting density on plant traits and water consumption characteristics of spring maize[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(11): 125-131.


    Effects of varieties and planting density on plant traits and water consumption characteristics of spring maize

    • 摘要: 品种和种植密度是辽西地区春玉米节水高产栽培的参考依据。以稀植型品种丹玉12(DY12)和密植型品种中地77(ZD77)为试验材料,各设4个种植密度处理,研究了种植密度对玉米植株性状、耗水量、产量性状、水分利用效率(WUE)的影响,同时比较两类型品种之间的差异。结果表明:随着种植密度增加,两品种茎粗、单株叶面积均逐渐降低,株高、群体叶面积指数(Leaf area index, LAI)逐渐增加,DY12茎粗和ZD77株高差异分别达到显著水平(P<0.05);同一种植密度条件下,DY12的茎粗、株高均大于ZD77,而ZD77的LAI大于DY12表现出较强的耐密性。玉米全生育期耗水量随种植密度的增加而增加,同一种植密度条件下,ZD77小于DY12。产量随着种植密度的增加先增加后减少。除穗粗、穗行数及百粒质量外,种植密度对DY12其余产量性状的影响达到显著水平(P<0.05);而种植密度对ZD77各产量性状的影响均不显著。在WUE方面,DY12随种植密度的增加先增大后减小,当种植密度为45 000株/hm2时,WUE达到最大值(2.48 kg/m3);ZD77则随种植密度的增加而减少。该地区生产上应选择密植型春玉米品种进行合理密植,可以达到明显的节水增产效果。


      Abstract: Varieties and planting density are reference basis for water saving and high-yielding cultivation of spring maize in Western Liaoning. Taking the low seeding density cultivar DY12 and high density type cultivar ZD77 as experimental materials, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of four planting densities on plant traits, water consumption, ear characters, yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of spring maize, and the differences in all characters between the two types of varieties were analyzed. The results showed that with the increase of planting density, the stem diameter, the leaf area per plant of ZD77 and DY12 decreased gradually, their plant heights, the leaf area index (LAI) increased gently, and the stem diameter of DY12 and plant height of ZD77 in different planting densities reached a significant difference respectively (P<0.05). Under the same planting density condition, plant height and stem diameter of DY12 were higher than that of ZD77, while LAI of the ZD77 was larger than that of DY12, thus ZD77 showed a strong resistance to the high density planting. With the planting density increasing, water consumption during the whole growth period of both varieties increased, but water consumption of ZD77 was lower than that of DY12 under the same planting density condition. With the increase of planting density, yield increased first and then decreased. The effects of planting densities on ear diameter, row numbers and 100–grain weight for DY12 were not obvious, and the differences in other yield characters of different planting densities reached significant levels (P<0.05), while the effects of planting densities on each yield characters of ZD77 were not significant. With the increase of planting density, the WUE of DY12 increased first and then decreased, and when the planting density was 45 000 plants/hm2, its WUE reached the maximum (2.48 kg/m3). The WUE of ZD77 showed a decreasing trend with the planting density. High density type varieties of spring maize should be selected to plant with reasonable planting density in the production of this area, so the results of water-saving and yield-increasing can be achieved significantly.


