
    Optimization of irrigation frequency and application norm of phosphorus fertilizer for alfalfa in semiarid region of northern Shanxi province

    • 摘要: 为优化苜蓿种植的水肥施用水平,在山西省北部半干旱区,采用田间试验裂区设计,研究了4个灌水处理(无灌溉,W0;灌水1次75 mm,W1;灌水2次150 mm,W2;灌水3次225 mm,W3)和3个磷肥施用处理(未施磷肥,P0;低磷肥施用量105 kg P2O5/hm2,P1;高磷肥施用量210 kg P2O5/hm2,P2)交互作用下的苜蓿生长和干草产量。结果表明,施用磷肥可以提高苜蓿的抗寒性,表现在秋季枯黄迟,早春返青率提高。随着灌溉次数和磷肥施用量的增加,苜蓿的开花期推迟,开花率降低。除第3茬苜蓿外,第1茬、第2茬和全年的苜蓿干草产量都随灌溉次数和磷肥施用量的增加而增加,其中灌水和磷肥的增产效应显著或极显著,灌水和磷肥的互作效应不显著。在晋北地区,以第1茬和第2茬苜蓿分别灌水2次(W2)而第3茬以无灌溉(W0)、肥料以低磷肥施用水平(P1)的水肥配置方案为宜。


      Abstract: To optimized the water and fertilizer application for alfalfa cultivation, growth and hay yield of alfalfa were studied in the semiarid region of northern Shanxi province. Four treatments of irrigation (W0 with no irrigation, W1 with irrigation of 75mm once, W2 with irrigation of 75 mm twice, W3 with irrigation of 75 mm three times) and three treatments of phosphorus fertilizer application (P0 with 0 kg P2O5/hm2, P1 with 105 kg P2O5/hm2, P2 with 210 kg P2O5/hm2) were conducted by the split-plot design. Phosphorus fertilizer improved the winter hardiness of alfalfa, which exhibited delaying brown in autumn and earlier green in spring. Later flowering and less flowers of alfalfa for the second growth period in 2004 were shown with the increasing of irrigation times and phosphorus fertilizer application. The hay yield of alfalfa for the first harvest, the second harvest and the whole year in 2004 and 2005 were significantly increased with the irrigation times and phosphorus fertilizer application. The effects of irrigation or phosphorus fertilizer on alfalfa production were extremely significant, while the interactive effect of irrigation and phosphorus fertilizer was not significant. Two times irrigation (W2) for the first harvest and the second harvest, respectively, no irrigation (W0) and low phosphorus fertilizer application (P1) for the third harvest were recommended for alfalfa cultivation.


