Optimal operation model for microgrid in rural areas
摘要: 为了提高微电网内新能源发电的整体效益,同时保证微电网的稳定安全运行,该文基于直流汇流微电网,以可再生能源最大发电量为最优控制目标,建立了实时优化调度数学模型,并提出了2段式的求解方法。最后,结合具体实例验证了该调度优化模型能够起到增加可再生能源输出量、改善蓄电池运行状况和优化系统内部分工的作用。Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency of renewable energy generation, and keep safe and stable for microgrid, a real-time optimization dispatching model for micogrid with direct current was built to obtain the maximum power energy. The model was solved in two-stage way method. At last, the optimized model for microgrid dispatching improved the power energy output, the life and operating conditions of the battery.