
    Soil moisture utilization depth of apple orchard in Loess Plateau

    • 摘要: 有效利用果园土壤调蓄作用,是进行果园高效水肥管理的基础。该文采用中子仪与烘干法相结合,对黄土山地苹果园土壤水分进行连续9 a监测,以达西定律为基础,通过实测果园土壤水分特征参数,分析了黄土山地苹果园土壤水分最大利用深度。结果表明:在有效含水率范围内,根据达西定律,理论山地苹果园土壤水分最大利用深度为3.0~5.17 m。黄土山地果园不同坡向间土壤含水率差异明显,阳坡含水率较低,阴坡较高,半阴坡和半阳坡介于两者之间;根据多年实测土壤含水率变化规律,山地苹果园土壤水分最大利用深度分别为:阳坡3.0 m,阴坡4.5 m,半阳坡3.5 m,半阴坡4.0 m;在有效含水率范围内,随土壤含水率提高,土壤水分最大利用深度加大。


      Abstract: Effective usage of the orchard soil water storage and regulation is the basis for managements of water and fertilizer. In this study, the neutron probe and oven drying method were used to monitor the soil water content of apple-fruit orchard for nine years in the Loess Plateau, with the aim of determining the soil moisture utilization depth of apple orchard in Loess Plateau. The results show that the soil moisture utilization depth is between 3.0-5.17 m based on the Darcy's law and soil moisture characteristic parameters measured in the trial apple orchard. The soil moisture utilization depth varies with the different location, which is 3.0 m in sunny slop, 4.5 m in shady slop, 3.5 m in semi-sunny slop and 4.0 m in semi-shady slop. Within the range of effective soil water content, the biggest soil moisture utilization depth increases with the soil water content.


