
    Property of unsteady pressure and meridional velocity in wake region of axial-flow pump impeller

    • 摘要: 为了分析轴流泵叶轮出口尾迹和势流交替干扰特性,基于RNG k-ε湍流模型和SIMPLE算法,对南水北调工程用轴流泵模型进行了数值计算。通过定常预测的外特性结果与试验值进行比较,验证了计算网格和湍流模型的适用性,并在此基础上计算了轴流泵叶轮出口尾迹区非定常流场特性。研究结果表明,通过轴流泵全流场数值计算结果与试验值对比,在最优工况下计算扬程相对误差为4.56%,效率相对误差为2.78%,较好反映了轴流泵内部流动特性;在小流量工况下,轴流泵叶轮出口圆周方向轴面速度存在与叶片数相同的3个主波峰和3个次波峰;随着流量增大,叶轮出口圆周方向速度分布图中的波峰与导叶叶片数相同。在小流量工况和设计工况下,叶轮出口尾迹区压力脉动时域图出现3个主波峰,随着流量增大,额外产生了3个次波峰。基于FFT变换发现不同流量工况下的压力脉动主频均以叶频为主,其他谐频以叶频为基频,呈倍数出现,且主频的幅值随着流量减小而迅速上升。


      Abstract: In order to study the rotor-stator interaction in the wake region of the axial-flow impeller, the axial-flow pump model for South-to-North Water Diversion Project model was simulated based RNG k-ε turbulence model and the SIMPLE algorithm. The calculated values by steady simulation were compared with the experimental results to verify the computational grid and the applicability of turbulence model, and the unsteady field was simulated based on the steady results. The numerical results show that the relative error of Head is 4.56% and efficiency is 2.78% in optimal condition compared with the experimental data. In small flow rata condition, three peaks and three second peaks occur on the meridional velocity at axial flow impeller outlet in the circumferential direction. As the flow rate increases, the number of the velocity peak at impeller outlet is same to the guide-vane blade number. In the small flow rate and design conditions, the single-cycle time-domain of the pressure fluctuation in the impeller wake region appears three peaks and the additional three secondary peaks when flow rate increases. The main frequency of pressure fluctuation in different flow conditions is mainly blade frequency, and the other harmonic frequencies are the times of the fundamental blade frequency. The amplitude of pressure fluctuation frequency increases rapidly as the flow rate decreases.


