
    Effect of peanut quality on protein gel property

    • 摘要: 为了探讨不同花生品种的感官品质、理化与营养品质、加工品质与其蛋白质凝胶性之间的关系,提出适宜肉制品加工凝胶型蛋白质专用花生品种的主要特性和评价方法,构建适宜加工凝胶型蛋白质花生品质评价模型。以62个花生品种制得的分离蛋白粉为原料,采用物性仪测定其分离蛋白凝胶性,分析各品种花生的品质特性与凝胶性之间的关系,采用有监督主成分分析对41个品种的品质数据建立凝胶型蛋白质花生品质评价模型,并用另外21个品种品质数据进行验证。结果显示,不同品种花生蛋白质在相同条件下制得的凝胶特性差异显著。果形、粗蛋白、粗纤维、半胱氨酸、甘氨酸、精氨酸、亮氨酸、伴花生球蛋白Ⅰ、花生球蛋白/伴花生球蛋白、23.5 kDa等10个指标与凝胶性在0.05水平上关系显著,采用有监督主成分分析建立凝胶型蛋白质花生品质评价模型,验证模型的相关系数为0.937。研究结果表明,花生的品质特性显著影响花生蛋白质的凝胶性。花生粗蛋白含量、胱氨酸含量、精氨酸及伴花生球蛋白Ⅰ含量高的品种具有更好的凝胶性。通过凝胶型蛋白质花生品质评价模型可以预测该品种花生蛋白质的凝胶性,为不同花生品种的加工利用和专用品种的选择提供依据。


      Abstract: This paper mainly discussed the relationship between peanut quality (sensory quality, physicochemical quality and processing quality) and peanut gel property. The characteristics and evaluation method of special peanut which is suited to process meat products was presented. The evaluation model of gel-type peanut varieties was established which could estimate the processing suitability scientifically. 62 peanut varieties were used to extract the peanut protein isolates. Physical property apparatus(TPA) was used to analysis the gel property of the peanut protein isolated. The relationship between the characteristics of peanut and gel property was analyzed. Supervised principal component analysis was used to establish the peanut quality evaluation model. 41 varieties were assigned to the calibration set, whereas the remaining 21 varieties constituted the validation set. The results showed that the gel property among different peanut varieties had significant difference. The shape, content of crude fibre, protein, cysteine, glycine, arginine, leucine, conarachinⅠ, arachin/conarachin, 23.5 kDa had significant relationships with gel property (P<0.05). The model of supervised principal component analysis was acceptable (R2=0.875). The content of protein, cysteine, arginine and conarachinⅠ were positively correlated with gel property. The model of peanut quality can be used to predict the gel property of unknown varieties. It can also provide a basis for processing and utilization of different peanut varieties and selection of special varieties.


