
    Development of semi-automatic control system for new shootings cuttage propagation facilities of blueberry

    • 摘要: 为了解决蓝莓扦插育苗的难题,该文研制了一种蓝莓新梢扦插育苗半自动联控系统,该系统在高温季节利用天然低温的地下井水,动态调控蓝莓新梢扦插育苗环境的温度、湿度和光照3种环境因子。试验表明,温度在20~35℃,控制误差小于0.15℃,相对湿度在80%~100%,控制误差小于0.2%,光照在0~16.50 klx范围内,控制误差小于0.165 klx。与常规蓝莓露地扦插育苗相比,该半自动联控系统下蓝莓生根时间由90 d提前到25 d,生根率由15%上升到高于97%,育苗周期由9个月减少到3个月,同时新苗根系质量显著提高。与组培育苗相比,平均育苗成本下降了90%,与传统育苗温室大棚及双层塑料薄膜、双层遮阳网、双层喷淋结构的育苗设施相比,显著降低了初投资和劳动强度,提高了自动化水平,育苗环境温度控制在35℃以下。


      Abstract: To overcome the difficulties in blueberry rapid propagation, a semi-control system was designed. This system used the natural cold ground water to regulate the environment factors accurately, including temperature, humidity and light intensity in hot weather. The results indicated that the temperature, relative humidity and the light intensity in the system was controlled in 20-35℃,80%-100% and 0-16.50 klx, respectively, and their control error was less than 0.15℃, 0.2% and 0.165klx, respectively. Compared to the traditional open field cottage, the period for new shootings rooting was shortened from 90 to 25 days, the rooting rate increased from 15% to 97%, the total seedling period was reduced from 9 to 3 months with this system, and rooting system of new shootings was improved greatly with this system. Compared to the culture propagation, the average cost of seedling was decreased by 90%. Compared with the traditional seedling hothouses and facilities with double plastic film, double sunshade net and spraying systems, cost of investment and labor were decreased significantly, the automation level was improved, and the ambient temperature of seedling was controlled below 35℃.


