
    Effect of sowing patterns on growth, development and yield formation of wheat in rice stubble land

    • 摘要: 目前稻茬麦机播面积不断扩大,为研究播种方式转变对小麦播种出苗、生长发育与产量建成的影响,2009-2012年,在成都平原稻茬麦区开展撒播(免耕+人工撒种+人工覆盖稻草)与机播(免耕+稻草粉碎覆盖+2BMFDC-6型播种机播种)比较试验。结果表明,机播处理的播种效率、出苗率、麦苗均匀度,以及中前期的个体与群体质量均显著高于撒播处理。但到了生育后期,机播小麦的个体与群体质量反而不及撒播小麦,进而影响穗部性状。机播小麦开花期干物质积累量和叶面积指数的年均值较撒播小麦低1.8%、8.9%,成熟期单穗结实小穗数和穗粒数较撒播处理低4.2%、3.5%,但千粒质量较撒播高4.9%,籽粒产量则基本相当。机播小麦开花期耕层土壤的速效氮含量较撒播处理低7.8%,植株全氮含量低19.4%。增施氮肥后,机播小麦个体和群体质量得到改善,增产趋势明显。表明,2BMFDC-6型机播有利于提高稻茬小麦播种效率和质量,但需要适当提高施氮水平以提高中后期个体与群体质量,进而实现高产。研究结果可为稻茬小麦高产高效栽培技术的熟化完善提供理论和技术依据。


      Abstract: Artificial broadcast sowing of wheat in rice stubble land, under no-tillage conditions, has been widely used in the Southwest Region of China. In order to study the effects of wheat sown with the 2BMFDC-6 seeder on seedling quality, growth, development and yield, comparative tests between artificial broadcast sowing and machine seeder sowing under no-tillage condition were conducted in Guanghan, Sichuan Province from 2009 to 2012. The results indicated that sowing efficiency, emergence rate, seedling uniformity and individual and population quality in the seedling stage of the machine sowing treatment was higher than that by artificial broadcast sowing treatment. However, in the later growth stages, individual and whole plot data of machine sowing treatment were lower. The amount of dry matter accumulation and leaf area index in the flowering stage were decreased by 1.8% and 8.9%, respectively in the 2BMFDC-6 sowing treatment as compared to artificial broadcast sowing treatment. In the maturity stage, seed setting spikelets and grains per spike was less in machine sowing treatment, which was lower than that in artificial broadcast sowing treatment at 4.2 % and 3.5%, respectively. 1000-grain weight was increased by 4.9% in machine sowing treatment. The yields of the two treatments was equivalent. In the flowering stage, available soil nitrogen in the 2BMFDC-6 seeder treatment in the arable layer was reduced by 7.8%, and plant total nitrogen was reduced by 19.4% compared with artificial broadcast sowing treatment. With the increase of the application of nitrogen fertilizer, the growth and yield parameters of plots seeded by the 2BMFDC-6 seeder were significantly improved. On the basis of these results, we concluded that the 2BMFDC-6 seeder improved the sowing and seedling emergence quality of wheat in rice stubble land, appropriate nitrogen application is needed to achieve higher growth quality and yield.


