
    Effects of different planting patterns on soil microbial community, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco leaves

    • 摘要: 为探明不同烤烟(nicotiana tobacum L.)种植模式对土壤微生物区系及烟叶产量和质量的影响,采用磷脂脂肪酸(phospholipid fatty acids, PLFAs)方法研究了连作烟、轮作烟、麦套烟和麦茬烟等4种烤烟种植模式下耕层(0~25 cm)土壤微生物的群落动态,并探讨了烟叶产质量的变化。研究结果表明,在绿肥翻压期,土壤微生物总PLFAs的含量以麦茬烟处理最低;在烟草团棵期,轮作烟处理最高且与其他处理差异显著;而在现蕾期和成熟期,各处理之间无显著差异。各微生物类群的PLFAs含量及其在不同处理间的差异均随生育期而异,其中真菌PLFAs含量在各处理间的差异不显著。真菌和细菌的PLFAs比值及革兰氏阳性细菌与阴性细菌的比值显示,整个土壤微生物及细菌部分的群落结构均受烤烟种植模式和生育期的影响。其中,土壤微生物群落结构的变化以麦茬烟处理最明显。各微生物类群在成熟期的主成分分析结果显示,烤烟种植模式之间存在明显分异,与连作烟相比,麦茬烟的土壤微生物群落结构与之类似,而轮作烟和套作烟则变化较大。此外,不同种植模式显著影响烤后烟叶的经济性状及化学成分。与连作烟相比,种植模式改变后有利于烟叶等级结构、均价及产值的提高,并显著增加烟叶中的钾含量,但不利于烟叶中糖分的积累,各植烟模式中以麦套烟和麦茬烟的综合效益较好。该研究结果有助于了解烤烟种植对土壤生物环境的影响,并为中国北方烟区烤烟种植制度的优化提供依据。


      Abstract: In order to study the effects of different tobacco planting patterns on soil microbial community, yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco, a field experiment including tobacco mono-cropping, green manure-tobacco with crop rotation, wheat inter-cropping and wheat-tobacco with crop-rotation was conducted in Gaoqiao Town, Yishui County, Shandong Province. The dynamics of soil microbial community in plowed layer (0-25cm) in 2009 was evaluated by using phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) profiles. The results showed that at green manure ploughing stage (April 22), the total PLFAs content was the lowest in wheat inter-cropping treatment. At resettling growth stage of tobacco (June 20), it was the highest in manure-tobacco with crop rotation treatment, which had significant differences with other treatments. But at budding stage and mature stage, there was no significant difference among all treatments. The PLFAs data of different soil microbial floras and the differences among treatments both varied from the sampling time, and no significant difference of fungi PLFAs was found in all treatments. The ratios of fungi to bacteria PLFAs and gram-positive bacteria to gram-negative bacteria PLFAs indicated that the total soil microbial community and bacteria community structure were both influenced by the planting pattern and growing season. Soil microbial community structure changed most obviously in the wheat-tobacco rotation treatment during the whole growing season. Moreover, principal component analyses (PCA) of different microbial PLFAs at maturity stage revealed that an obvious differentiation was found among the planting patterns, and soil microbial community structure changed little in wheat-tobacco rotation, but changed greatly in the manure-tobacco rotation treatment and wheat inter-cropping treatment compared with the tobacco mono-cropping treatment. Furthermore, the economic characters and chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco leaves were both affected by different tobacco planting patterns. The average price, output value and configuration structure of flue-cured tobacco leaf were all increased. The contents of total sugar and reducing sugar were both decreased, but the content of potassium of tobacco leaf increased significantly in the other three treatments compared with the tobacco mono-cropping treatment. The wheat inter-cropping treatment and wheat-tobacco rotation treatment were both considered as the better tobacco planting patterns according to their comprehensive benefits. These findings can help to understand the effects of tobacco cultivation on soil microbial environment, and provide a scientific basis for optimizing the tobacco planting pattern of northern China.


