肖克辉, 罗锡文, 陈 剑, 肖德琴. 无线水分传感器网络分路定点路由[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(19): 137-144.
    引用本文: 肖克辉, 罗锡文, 陈 剑, 肖德琴. 无线水分传感器网络分路定点路由[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(19): 137-144.
    Xiao Kehui, Luo Xiwen, Chen Jian, Xiao Deqin. Divided-branch and fixed-point routing for wireless moisture sensor networks[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(19): 137-144.
    Citation: Xiao Kehui, Luo Xiwen, Chen Jian, Xiao Deqin. Divided-branch and fixed-point routing for wireless moisture sensor networks[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(19): 137-144.


    Divided-branch and fixed-point routing for wireless moisture sensor networks

    • 摘要: 为减少因节点失效和外界干扰带来的数据完整性问题,在无线水分传感器节点软硬件配置、网络周期性工作机制以及方向性网络拓扑的基础上,讨论适用于土壤水分周期性实时监测应用的无线水分传感器网络路由协议。传感器节点在农田中呈二维矩阵结构的网格分布,以两字节行列编号对节点进行二维行列地址编码。将网络按照不同数量的列划分为分路,数据在分路内部定点传输,分路之间顺序传输。对单路、双路和三路路由策略进行了描述,从网络传输数据量、节点超时时间以及数据完整性等方面对分路定点路由策略进行分析和仿真。结果显示,分路定点路由比AODV协议有更好的能耗和数据完整性表现,满足土壤水分周期性监测需要。


      Abstract: To reduce the problem of data integrity caused by ambient interference and failure of sensor, practical routing protocols for wireless moisture sensor networks in periodically real-time monitoring of soil moisture were discussed based on hardware and software configuration of wireless moisture sensor, periodic work mechanism of networks and directional networks topology. Wireless moisture sensors were distributed as grid in two-dimensional matrix shapes with two bytes binary-coded address. The network was divided into branches according to different number of columns; Data was transmitted via fixed-point inside branch and orderly between branches. Routing protocols of single-branch, double-branch and triple-branch were presented, then analyzed and simulated from data quantity and timeout and data integrity. The result shows that divided-branch and fixed-point routing is better than AODV in energy consumption and data integrity to meet the demand of periodical monitoring of soil moisture.


