殷德聪, 许跃进, 吴 昊, 杨 建. 基于最佳配置负载率的配电变压器容量优化与配置[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(19): 145-149.
    引用本文: 殷德聪, 许跃进, 吴 昊, 杨 建. 基于最佳配置负载率的配电变压器容量优化与配置[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(19): 145-149.
    Yin Decong, Xu Yuejin, Wu Hao, Yang Jian. Distribution transformer capacity optimization and allocation based on optimum allocated load rate[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(19): 145-149.
    Citation: Yin Decong, Xu Yuejin, Wu Hao, Yang Jian. Distribution transformer capacity optimization and allocation based on optimum allocated load rate[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(19): 145-149.


    Distribution transformer capacity optimization and allocation based on optimum allocated load rate

    • 摘要: 为实现配电变压器容量的最佳配置以及配电网的经济运行,配电变压器的容量选择研究具有重要意义。该文借鉴选择导线时经济电流密度的思想,提出了基于最佳配置负载率的配电变压器容量优化配置方法。利用该方法对变压器容量的优化配置进行建模,并以年综合费用最小为目标,模型中不仅考虑投资、运行维护费和损耗费用,还计入了变压器停运造成的经济损失。经优化计算,得出选择1台、2台及3台配电变压器时的最佳配置负载率推荐值。利用此推荐值选择配电变压器容量简便可行、可为电网建设中配电变压器容量的选择提供技术支持。


      Abstract: It is very important to select distribution transformer capacity for power grid. It can optimize the allocation of transformer capacity and enhance the economical efficiency of distribution power grid. Using the idea of economic current density during the choice of wire, a new approach was proposed based on optimum allocated load rate to select distribution transformer capacity. First, a model of transformer capacity optimum allocation was established by using the new method,it not only contained investment, operation and maintenance fees and lost expenses, but also included the economic losses caused by transformer outage. Then, each cost model was constructed scientifically. All these were to achieve the target of minimum annual integrated cost. After optimization and calculation, recommended values of optimum allocated load rate for selecting one, two and three distribution transformers were obtained. Using the recommended values to select distribution transformer capacity is simple and feasible, economical and reasonable. Also, a technical support is provided for selecting distribution transformer capacity in power grid construction.


