陈国营, 詹 凯, 陈丽园, 李俊营, 刘 伟. 固态抑氨菌剂制备及其对蛋鸡舍的抑氨效果[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(19): 163-170.
    引用本文: 陈国营, 詹 凯, 陈丽园, 李俊营, 刘 伟. 固态抑氨菌剂制备及其对蛋鸡舍的抑氨效果[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(19): 163-170.
    Chen Guoying, Zhan Kai, Chen Liyuan, Li Junying, Liu Wei. Preparation of solid-state deodorant and its ammonia-reducing effect in layers' house[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(19): 163-170.
    Citation: Chen Guoying, Zhan Kai, Chen Liyuan, Li Junying, Liu Wei. Preparation of solid-state deodorant and its ammonia-reducing effect in layers' house[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(19): 163-170.


    Preparation of solid-state deodorant and its ammonia-reducing effect in layers' house

    • 摘要: 为了为抑氨菌选择良好的固定化载体,并研究固态抑氨菌剂对降低鸡舍内氨质量浓度的效果,该文将7种有机载体混合成63种组合载体后,选择较佳的组合载体,并以此制成固态抑氨菌剂。于饲喂1 000只商品蛋鸡的笼养蛋鸡舍中,将固态抑氨菌剂均匀撒放于鸡粪表面,研究其在鸡舍现场的抑氨效果。菌剂的撒放按照菌剂与鸡粪质量之比进行,试验1期为0.5%,试验2期为1%,试验3期为1.5%,对照1期、2期和3期均不撒放,每天4次测定鸡舍内6个点的温度、相对湿度、氨质量浓度和CO2体积分数,试验共进行36 d。结果表明,麦糠、稻壳和玉米芯粉等量混合并以200%吸水率吸附抑氨菌液后制成的固态抑氨菌剂的效果较佳;试验1期鸡舍内氨质量浓度未发生显著变化(P>0.05),试验2期氨质量浓度降低15%(P<0.01),试验3期氨质量浓度降低59.3%(P<0.01);但3期试验均未对舍内CO2体积分数产生显著影响(P>0.05)。结果显示,以有机混合载体吸附抑氨菌液制成的固态抑氨菌剂有明显降低笼养蛋鸡舍内氨质量浓度的作用。该研究结果为生产过程中有效控制蛋鸡舍内的氨质量浓度提供理论参考。


      Abstract: To select well immobilized carriers for ammonia-reducing bacteria and study ammonia-reducing effect of solid-state deodorant on layers' house, 7 organic carriers including wheat bran , wheat straw, wheat husk, rice straw, rice husk, corncob and sawdust were mixed with each other and formed 63 carrier combinations. A better combination from 63 carrier combinations was selected for making solid-sate ammonia-reducing deodorant. The ammonia-reducing effects of solid-state deodorant were determined through spreading deodorant onto layers' excreta in a caged layers' house with 1000 commercial layers. In this trial, the deodorant spread rate was calculated by weight loss rate of deodorant to layers' excreta, 0.5% at first period, 1% at second period, 1.5% at third period. First, second and third control periods were not spread deodorant. Temperature, relative humidity, ammonia concentration and carbon dioxide concentration were determined four times daily at 6 different positions throughout 36 days. The results show that a better ammonia-reducing effect can be obtained for the solid-state ammonia-reducing deodorant consisted of 3 kinds of powdery organic carriers, wheat husk, rice husk and corncob by absorbing 200% ammonia-reducing bacterial liquid. At first period, ammonia concentration in layers' house had insignificant change (P>0.05); At second period, ammonia concentrations significantly decreased by 15% (P<0.01); At third period, ammonia concentrations significantly decreased by 59.3% (P<0.01). But carbon dioxide concentration had insignificant decrease in all 3 periods (P>0.05). The results indicate that solid-state ammonia-reducing deodorant consisted of organic carrier compounds by absorbing ammonia-reducing bacterial liquid may obviously reduce ammonia concentrations in caged layers' house. The research can provide a theoretic reference for reducing ammonia concentrations in layers' houses.


