黄金龙, 陶 辉, 王艳君, 白云岗. 基于MODIS遥感影像的湖水体面积与水位关系[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(23): 140-146.
    引用本文: 黄金龙, 陶 辉, 王艳君, 白云岗. 基于MODIS遥感影像的湖水体面积与水位关系[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(23): 140-146.
    Huang Jinlong, Tao Hui, Wang Yanjun, Bai Yungang. Analysis on relationship between water level and water area of lake based on MODIS image[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(23): 140-146.
    Citation: Huang Jinlong, Tao Hui, Wang Yanjun, Bai Yungang. Analysis on relationship between water level and water area of lake based on MODIS image[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(23): 140-146.


    Analysis on relationship between water level and water area of lake based on MODIS image

    • 摘要: 为了弥补新疆博斯腾湖区云天状况下光学遥感监测水体面积的不足、提高水体面积监测的效率,该文利用2001-2010年5-10月MODIS影像提取的水体信息和逐月水位监测数据,采用统计分析的方法确立了博斯腾湖面积-水位关系模型,并建立了2001-2010年5-10月面积-水位曲线。面积-水位曲线拟合和遥感提取的水体面积均方根误差较小(24.1 km2)。结果表明:MODIS遥感数据能有效地监测水体面积变化,2001-2010年博斯腾湖水体面积、水位呈下降趋势。博斯腾湖(不含小湖群)的水体面积与水位相关性高,且在一定范围内有着较好的三次回归关系。该研究可为云雾天气下博斯腾湖(不含小湖群)水体面积遥感定量监测提供弥补方法和途径。


      Abstract: Based on the water areas extracted by MODIS data and monthly water level monitoring data in May to October during 2001-2010, the relationship between water area and water level of Bosten Lake was analyzed by using statistical method in this study. The verification of the model shows that the model works well as to predict the water coverage area with water level data and the errors are all less or equal to 7%. According to the relationship between water level and water area, curve of the relationship between water area and water level of Bosten Lake (exclude the small lakes) in May to October during 2001-2010 were established. The results show that MODIS data can capture the changes of the water area. The water areas and water level of Bosten Lake decreased during 2001 to 2010. The Bosten Lake (exclude the small lakes) water areas and water level show a good cubic polynomial relationship. So the research provides a useful method to calculate water area of Bosten Lake (exclude the small lakes) when remote sensing data is influenced by clouds.


