谷建立, 张海涛, 陈家赢, 任 艳, 郭 龙. 基于DEM的县域土地利用空间自相关格局分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(23): 216-224.
    引用本文: 谷建立, 张海涛, 陈家赢, 任 艳, 郭 龙. 基于DEM的县域土地利用空间自相关格局分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2012, 28(23): 216-224.
    Gu Jianli, Zhang Haitao, Chen Jiaying, Ren Yan, Guo Long. Analysis of land use spatial autocorrelationpatterns based on DEM data[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(23): 216-224.
    Citation: Gu Jianli, Zhang Haitao, Chen Jiaying, Ren Yan, Guo Long. Analysis of land use spatial autocorrelationpatterns based on DEM data[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2012, 28(23): 216-224.


    Analysis of land use spatial autocorrelationpatterns based on DEM data

    • 摘要: 为了研究地形变化对土地利用空间自相关格局的影响,该文首先以谷城县行政村土地利用变量为基础,运用全局Moran's I系数、Moran散点图和Anselin局部Moran's I系数分析了县域尺度土地利用空间自相关格局,揭示土地利用空间局部聚集和局部异常特征;后基于DEM地形分析提取海拔、坡度、坡向、地形起伏度及地表粗糙度5种地形因子,并对各种用地0.05显著性水平下局部聚集和异常区域的地形特征做了统计分析。结果表明,典型山地、丘陵和平原地形对土地利用自相关分布结构影响明显,其容易导致土地利用在局部空间显著性聚集特征的形成;而土地利用局部显著性异常区域的出现主要源于特殊地形或人为干扰。该研究可为区域土地利用结构调整和格局优化实践提供参考依据。


      Abstract: The paper aimed to prospectively study the impact of topographic change on land use spatial autocorrelation patterns. Firstly, methods known as Moran's I, Moran scatter-plot and Anselin local Moran's I were adopted to analyze the spatial dependence in observations of land use among administrative units of Gucheng county. The results reveal that the spatial cluster and anomaly characteristics of each land use type in local areas of the whole region. Secondly, based on surface analysis, terrain factors were extracted from DEM data, including evaluation, slope, aspect, relief and roughness which were used for terrain analysis by means of zonal statistics in land use areas with spatial cluster or anomaly characteristics test at 0.05 significant level. The results show that typical features of mountains, hills and plains can greatly influence the spatial structure of land use spatial autocorrelation in regions, as it easily leads to the formation of local cluster characteristics of land use. While the generation of local anomaly characteristics usually derived from the special terrain or human activities. This study can provide a foundation for the adjustment of land use structures and optimization of land use patterns.


