
    Application status of middle and high resolution remote sensing images in agriculture

    • 摘要: 为了更加透彻地了解中高分辨率遥感影像技术在农业中的应用研究现状,本文通过对其应用研究现状进行了提炼和总结,并给以简洁的展望。明确了物种识别和分类、农作物面积估算与监测、作物养分和水分状况监测、农作物的叶面积指数、生物量和叶绿素含量监测、病虫害监测和预报、农业自然灾害的监测、农用地土地资源动态变化和监测、作物产量预测8个方面是中高分辨率遥感影像在农业工作中的应用重点,指出农业工作将更加精细、多种技术和方法的融合使用、统一的农业遥感影像数据库的完善、对当前遥感影像技术不足之处的弥补、标准农业植被光谱库的完善和健全的植被解译体系的完善6个方面将是未来一段时期内应用发展的重点和热点。本文可对遥感农业应用和研究工作提供一定参考。


      Abstract: In order to better understand the present application and research status of middle and high resolution remote sensing images in agriculture, an overview and a prospect of which are provided in this paper. The application are mainly described in eight aspects: vegetation type recognizing and classification, crops area estimation and monitoring, crops nutrient and water condition monitoring, crops leaf area and biomass and chlorophyll content monitoring, pest and disease monitoring and prediction, agriculture natural disaster monitoring, agriculture land resource dynamic variation and monitoring, crops yield prediction. The author also points out that the prospect of the middle and high resolution remote sensing images in agriculture are in six aspects as follows: to make the agricultural work more precise, to integrate various technologies and methods, to unify database of agriculture remote sensing images, to make up the imperfection of current remote sensing technology, to improve the standard vegetable spectral database and to enhance the vegetable interpretation system. The paper provides a reference for the remote sensing application and research in agriculture.


