
    Effects of purification of recirculating water in over-winter aquaculture in brackish wastewater constructed wetland

    • 摘要: 为拓展人工湿地在水产养殖上的应用,该文研究了半咸水人工湿地的循环水越冬系统中暗纹东方鲀越冬养殖效果和净化效能。结果表明,经过166 d越冬养殖,暗纹东方鲀越冬成活率(76.94±13.87)%,饵料系数5.49±1.77。在无任何外源能源加温的情况下,系统水温保持在暗纹东方鲀幼鱼的生存最低温度以上。在半咸水环境下(7.6‰~9.9‰),人工湿地对养殖水有良好的净化效果:总氮去除率为30.5%、总氨氮为69.6%、亚硝酸盐为96.1%、硝酸盐为9.7%、总磷为18.4%、COD为38.8%、总悬浮物为79.7%,循环水经过人工湿地后水质符合国家渔业用水标准;越冬期间,越冬养殖池水质状况良好;除TN和NO3-N在越冬期间的去除率比在夏季的明显低外,其他主要污染物的去除率与夏季比较没有明显变化。在试验负载范围内,系统去除量随进水污染负载量的增加而增加;通过建立预测模型预测出湿地养殖面积比值0.36~0.97,与实际值1.26相比,养殖密度尚有提高的空间。因此,人工湿地能持续有效地去除暗纹东方鲀越冬循环水养殖系统中的主要污染物,说明该系统能在越冬养殖生产实际应用。


      Abstract: To develop constructed wetland in the application of aquaculture, the purification effect and overwinter cultural performance of obscure puffer (Takifugu obscurus) in the recirculating over-winter aquaculture combined with integrated brackish wastewater (from 7.6‰ to 9.9‰ of salinity) constructed wetland were investigated. The results showed that the average survival rates of young fish of obscure puffer was (76.94±13.87)% after 166 d overwinter culture, and the feed conversion coefficient (FCC) was 5.49±1.77. The water temperature of the system was above the lowest survival temperature of the obscure puffer without heating. The total nitrogen removed rate of the system was 30.5%, the total ammonia nitrogen was 69.6%, nitrite nitrogen was 96.1%, nitrate nitrogen was 9.7%, total phosphorous was 18.4%, chemical oxygen demand was 38.8%, total suspended solids was 79.7%, from the overwinter aquaculture wastewater under a hydraulic loading rate of 0.679 m/d. Various water quality parameters in the culture tanks were deemed suitable for obscure puffer overwinter culture. The removal rates of total nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen in overwinter were significantly lower than that in summer, however, there was no obviously difference between winter and summer in the removal rates of the other parameters. Mass removal rates were increased with the increase of mass loadings in the range of the investigated mass loading. The actual ratio of wetland area (Aw) to culture tank area (At) was 1.26, and the estimated optimal ratio Aw/At was 0.36-0.97. Thereby, cultural densities of obscure puffer did not reach the maximum in the recirculating overwinter aquaculture system. Consequently, the wetlands exhibited flexibility and reliability in consistently removing the main pollutants from obscure puffer recirculating overwinter aquaculture system. The study showed that the recirculating aquaculture system could be developed in overwinter aquaculture.


