
    Difference analysis of land use patterns in modern and traditional agricultural region based on remote sensing

    • 摘要: 该文以黑龙江省富锦市为研究区,以第二次土地调查数据库成果为数据源,基于GIS平台和景观指数法分析国营农场辖区即现代农业区和地方政府辖区即传统农业区的土地利用景观格局的差异,旨在为土地整治项目布局提供依据。结果表明:研究区内林带、道路、渠沟构成了区域土地利用空间格局的框架,直接影响着各种地类的规模和形状。国营农场辖区即现代农业区内林带、道路、渠沟等农业基础设施纵横交错、体系健全、井然有序,林网密度为传统业农区的1.72倍,路网密度为传统农业区的1/2,渠网密度为传统农业区2.3倍。园地、林地、牧草地、其他土地、城镇村及工矿用地散布于研究区内。耕地作为区域景观的基质,遍布整个研究区,但现代农业区与传统农业区内耕地类型存在明显差别,前者水田比例明显高于后者。土地经营管理制度不同,是导致国营农场辖区与地方政府辖区土地利用格局差异的重要原因。该项研究为科学安排土地整治项目提供参考。


      Abstract: The land use pattern is an overall description of the land use type in the aspect of space, which directly influences the ecological service function of the regional land and relates to the social and economic value of the regional land. There are not only modern agricultural areas (the state farm areas) with the detailed land planning design and high level of mechanization and scale, but also traditional agricultural areas (the local government areas) which are reclaimed by the peasants at random, with backward productive level and scatter management in the Fujin City of Heilongjiang Province. To provide basis for the land consolidation, the differences of the land-use landscape pattern between the state farm areas (the modern agricultural areas) and the local government areas (the traditional agricultural areas) in 2009 were analyzed in this study. Fujin City of Heilongjiang Province was taken as the research area, and the database result of the second land survey as the data source. The results showed that the agricultural infrastructures in the modern agricultural area were criss-cross and orderly with sound systems, but the forest belt, road and trench were interspersed, disorderly and unsystematic in the traditional agricultural area. In modern agricultural areas, the density of the forest network was 1.72 times of that in the traditional agricultural area, the density of the road network was 1/2 of that in the traditional agricultural area and the density of the trench network was 2.3 times of that in the traditional agricultural area. The agricultural infrastructures such as the forest belt, road and trench in the research area form the framework of the regional land use pattern, and directly influence the scale and shape of various plots. The plaque shape of the farmland in the traditional agricultural area was slightly more complex and the shape index was a little higher than that in the modern agricultural area. The garden plot, forest land, grassplot, other lands, town and village and mining land were scattered in Fujin City, whereas the farmland spreaded all over the whole research area, form the regional landscape matrix. The farmland in the modern agricultural area accounted for 72.43% of the whole area, which was lower than 81.76% of the traditional agricultural area. The dry land in the modern agricultural area accounted for 46.33% of the total farmland, the area of the paddy field accounted for 53.67%, and the irrigable land accounted for 0.01%. The dry land in the traditional agricultural area accounted for 86.77% of the total farmland, the area of the paddy field accounted for 12.86%, and the irrigable land accounted for 0.27%. The land scale managed by the relatively independent production and management entity in the modern agricultural area and in the traditional agricultural area was different, leading to the different investment, using methods and the regional land use pattern. The land consolidation should be developed in the traditional agricultural area, to promote the effective integration of the farmland with the high standard, modern farm machinery, modern agriculture and modern peasants (or agricultural enterprises), and finally promote the development of the modern agriculture. The comprehensive benefit comparison and analysis of the land use should be developed from now on to provide a reference for the reform of the rural land system in China.


