
    Experimental study on pneumatic precision seed metering mechanism of field breeding planter

    • 摘要: 摘要:精密排种器是田间育种播种机的核心部件,为了测定排种器的性能,采用二次回归正交旋转对试验进行设计,运用JPS-12排种器性能检测试验台对气吸式精密排种器排种性能进行研究进行试验研究,得到粒距合格率范围为72.31%~98.17%,漏播率范围为0.51%~18.7%,重播率范围为0.91%~23.07%。对试验结果进行回归分析,得出回归方程,并用MATLAB绘制三维图,得到各个试验因素对试验指标影响的强弱,研究结果可为精密排种器的优化设计提供依据。


      Abstract: Precision seed metering mechanism is the core component of field breeding planter, in order to measure the performance, the quadratic regression orthogonal rotating design was used to test the performance of pneumatic precision seed metering device on the JPS-12 seed metering performance testing bench, the range of seeding qualified index was 72.31%~98.17%, the range of miss index was 0.51%~18.7% and the range of multiples index was 0.91%~23.07%. The regression equation was received by regression analysis of the test results, and three dimensional figures were drawn with MATLAB. Various effects to the experimental indexes by each factor can be received which provided reliable basis for the further optimization design of precision seed-metering device.


