
    Development of plot precision planter based on seed tape planting method

    • 摘要: 摘要:为了提高小区播种的精确性和均匀性,研制了一套可适用于多种作物的基于种子带模式的精确播种装备。该套装备由种绳编织机和种绳播种机组成。种绳编织机采用气吸式排种器将种子播在种子带上并编制成种绳,排种器可通过更换带有不同尺寸和不同数量吸孔的吸种辊筒来适应多种作物的种子不同株距和不同播种量要求。种绳播种机可以实现起垄、垄定型、开沟、铺设种绳、覆土和镇压等功能。以胡萝卜为对象进行了机器播种性能试验,种绳编织机2.7%的漏播率和96.3%的株距合格率表明排种器具有很好的排种均匀性。92.3%的播深合格率以及95.7%的种子发芽率表明种绳播种机能够很好地满足农业作业要求。


      Abstract: In order to improve the accuracy and uniformity of plot sowing, precision planter based on seed tape which can be available in many variations was developed. The sowing equipment includes a seed-rope weaving machine and a seed-rope seeder. Seeds can be sown on the seed tape by a vacuum meter of the seed rope weaving machine, and then the seed tape containing seeds can be twisted into a seed rope. The vacuum meter can suit different seeding rates and different row spacing by changing different drums which have different size or number of the seed cells. The seed-rope seeder can accomplish the functions of ridging, shaping the ridge, opening the furrow, laying seed ropes, covering the furrow and firming the soil against the seeds. Sowing tests of machine performance were carried out. The miss-seeding rate was 2.7% and the passing rate of seed spacing was 96.3%, which proved that the seed metering had good accuracy and uniform intervals within rows. The passing rate of seeding depth and the germination rate were up to 92.3% and 96.7% respectively, which showed that the seed-rope seeder can meet the agriculture requirements well.


