
    Experiment and optimization of parameters for pneumatic pollination in hybrid rice breeding

    • 摘要: 摘要:为研究各作用因素对杂交水稻制种气力授粉效果的影响,该文设计了气力授粉试验装置,应用二次正交旋转试验设计方法,研究气流速度、作用位置和作用角度对花粉有效分布面积比率、花粉平均分布密度以及花粉分布不均匀度的影响。通过Design-Expert8.05数据处理系统建立3个因素对各指标影响的回归方程,进一步优化,得到最佳授粉效果的参数组合为:气流速度21.98 m/s,作用位置为穗顶以下16.85 cm,作用角度为0。此时,花粉有效分布面积率为88.75%,单视野花粉平均密度为4.50粒,花粉分布不均匀度为19.53,授粉效果综合评价指数为最大值0.744。该结果为研究杂交水稻气力式授粉技术及研制气力式授粉装备提供理论依据。


      Abstract: In order to study the effect of airflow speed, affection position and affection angle on pneumatic pollination in hybrid rice breeding, test apparatus and experiments were designed and carried out in this paper. Effect of the three factors on effective area ratio, average density and non-uniformity of pollens distribution were analyzed through orthogonal rotational quadratic combination test method, and then regression equations to describe the relationship of factors and each assessment index were established with Design-Expert8.05 data. An optimum combination of input parameters was obtained with airflow speed 21.98 m/s, affection position 16.85 cm below panicle, and affection angle 0. Effective area ratio was 88.75%, average density was 4.50 per single field, non-uniform distribution was 19.53, and the maximum desirability was 0.744. This result provides a theoretical basis for studying pneumatic pollination technology and developing pneumatic pollination equipment for hybrid rice breeding.


