To obtain a suitable ridge tillage technology model for the corn ridge system, three treatments, such as traditional ridge tillage, ridge tillage covered with chopped straw and ridge tillage with high-stubble standing, were compared on basis of the long-term(five years) framework in Sujiatun, Liaoning Province in this study.. The results showed that ridge tillage for five years improved the soil structure, soil moisture and water use efficiency. The ridge tillage with chopped straw cover improved the crop yield and water use efficiency with the highest difference by 4.1%-10.7% and 5.4%-10.2%, respectively, while the ridge tillage with high-stubble standing improved the crop yields and water use efficiency by 1.9%-6.4% and 4.1%-7.9%, respectively, compared to the traditional ridge tillage. Consequently, ridge tillage with chopped straw cover was proved to be the best effects among the three treatments. The results provide a reference for the extension of the ridge tillage in Liaoning province.