
    Monitoring method of separation loss in tangential-axial combine harvester

    • 摘要: 摘要:为实现切纵流联合收获机田间作业过程中籽粒夹带损失的自动监测,该文提出通过对滚筒下脱出混合物沿纵向与横向的分布规律进行分析建立监测区域籽粒量、喂入量与夹带损失之间的数学模型,应用以PVDF压电薄膜作为敏感元件制作的籽粒损失检测传感器监测脱粒滚筒末端监测区域内脱出混合物中的籽粒分离量,根据所建立的籽粒夹带损失与该区域籽粒分离量的数学模型进行联合收获机夹带损失实时间接测量;将籽粒损失监测传感器安装在联合收获机上进行夹带损失监测试验,最大测量误差为3.40%。


      Abstract: In order to monitor the separation loss of combine harvester automatically in the field work process, an indirect grain separation loss monitoring method was promoted in this paper. By analysis the distribution of mixed material under the vertical and horizontal direction of the longitudinal-axial drum on different feeding quantity, mathematical model among the grain quantity of monitoring regional , feeding quantity and total separation losses was established; installed the grain loss monitoring sensor which utilize piezoelectric polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF) film as sensitive material in the selected area under the concave to fulfill the task of monitoring separation loss according to established mathematical model. Field tests results showed that the measurement errors of grain separation loss were less than 3.4% when harvesting rice.


