
    Drying characteristics and color changes of infrared drying eggplant

    • 摘要: 摘要:为探索高效节能的干燥方式,得到高质量的干制品,该文在不同干燥温度、样本厚度和辐照距离的条件下,研究了红外辐射加热干燥对茄子干燥特性和色泽的影响;并利用多元非线性回归方法,建立了干燥时间及色差总值(ΔE)与干燥温度、样本厚度以及干燥距离之间的二次多项式回归方程,相关系数分别是0.9888和0.9703,方程拟合程度较好。结果表明,选用合适的干燥条件及参数,可以显著提高茄子的干燥速率,保持产品的色泽;红外干燥茄子的单位耗能为2.48 MJ/kg(H2O),相比于热风干燥,可节能22.7%。


      Abstract: In order to obtain dehydrated products with high quality, infrared drying in eggplant slices were researched at different temperatures, sample thicknesses and heating distances. The drying characteristics and color changes of eggplant slices were studied using multiple regression analysis. Two quadratic polynomial equations were obtained to evaluate the effect of drying temperature, sample thickness and heating distance on drying time and total color difference. The correlation coefficients of the two quadratic polynomial equations were 0.9888 and 0.9703, respectively. The results indicated that appropriate drying parameters (drying temperature, sample thickness and heating distance) could improve drying rate and maintained the color of eggplant slices. Energy consumption of infrared drying was 2.48 MJ/kg with 1 kg water evaporated. Compared with hot air drying, the energy consumption was saved by 22.7%.


