徐 博, 张闻修, 李 春, 王玉堂, 刘 宁. 螺杆挤压生产高凝胶强度的低温溶解江蓠属琼脂[J]. 农业工程学报, 2013, 29(2): 280-286.
    引用本文: 徐 博, 张闻修, 李 春, 王玉堂, 刘 宁. 螺杆挤压生产高凝胶强度的低温溶解江蓠属琼脂[J]. 农业工程学报, 2013, 29(2): 280-286.
    Xu Bo, Zhang Wenxiu, Li Chun, Wang Yutang, Liu Ning. Production of agar with low-temperature solubility and high gel strength from Gracilaria by screw extrusion[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2013, 29(2): 280-286.
    Citation: Xu Bo, Zhang Wenxiu, Li Chun, Wang Yutang, Liu Ning. Production of agar with low-temperature solubility and high gel strength from Gracilaria by screw extrusion[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2013, 29(2): 280-286.


    Production of agar with low-temperature solubility and high gel strength from Gracilaria by screw extrusion

    • 摘要: 为了获得在60℃低温溶解且凝胶强度高的琼脂粉,以中国产的江蓠琼脂粉为原料,采用双螺杆挤压加工技术予以改性,研究了加工温度、水料比、螺杆转速和模孔直径对琼脂低温溶解性质的影响,并采用Box-Behnken设计及响应面分析法优化其加工工艺参数。结果表明,加工温度对琼脂低温溶解性影响显著;加工温度和水料比对琼脂凝胶强度影响显著,且加工温度和水料比具有互作效应。经优化后,当加工温度为126℃、水料比为0.37 mL/g、螺杆转速为150 r/min和模孔直径为6 mm时,凝胶强度(质量浓度1%)为683.6 g/cm2。产品在60℃具有良好的溶解性和凝胶强度,节约了工业生产中溶解琼脂所需的能源,使温度敏感的物质与琼脂的共同应用成为可能,而且满足不同产品对凝胶强度的需求,为工业生产提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: Agar is extracted from red seaweed (Rhodophyceae). It is insoluble in cold water and hydrates. With good characteristics of reversibility of gel and security, agar is widely used in food, bio-engineering, medicine and other fields. Because some foods are sensitive to high temperature, the need for fully hydrate agar by boiling may limit its use in gel applications. It was reported that the agar was mixed with water and other materials such as sugar, locust bean gum, guar gum or other dispersants to improve its solubility. In order to obtain the optimal processing conditions for agar which dissolves at 60℃ with high gel strength, agar from Chinese Gracilaria Lemaneiformis was extruded and processed without adding other substances by a twin screw extruder, then the production was crushed into powder, sieved, sealed and stored. First, processing temperature, liquid to solid ratio, screw revolution speed and nozzle diameter were optimized by single factor experiment for analyzing their influences on the solubility properties at low temperature and gel strength of agar. The process conditions of agar that dissolves at 60℃ with high gel strength were optimized by Box-Behnken design and response surface methodology. Texture analyzer and advanced rheometer were used to determine gel strength and melting-gelling point respectively. The data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0 and Design-Expert 8.0. Finally the physical indexes of agar were determined. The results showed that processing temperature was the most significant factor affecting the solubility properties of agar at low temperature. Because the surface of agar formed porous expanded state at appropriate processing temperature and the particle size of agar after crushing and sieving was moderate, agar with good flowability and dispersibility dissolved at low temperature. Processing temperature and liquid to solid ratio had significantly influence on the gel strength of agar, while screw revolution speed was the least significant factor. Also, processing temperature and liquid to solid ratio had significant interaction. The optimized technological parameters were as follows: processing temperature 126℃, liquid to solid ratio 0.37 mL/g, screw revolution speed 150 r/min and nozzle diameter 6 mm, the measured average gel strength(mass concentration 1%) was 683.6 g/cm2, which was consistent well with the predicted value 693.4 g/cm2. The physical index of agar were as follows: the gelling temperature 31℃, the melting point 72℃, moisture content 15.2%, pH value 5.64. This study can provide a reference for factory production. Gracilaria is the main species utilised for commercial agar production in China. The improved solubility and high gel strength allow the gelling agent agar to be used more widely in food applications. The production of agar by this method exhibits low solution temperature, high gel strength and saving the industrial production of energy, but it requires 7-10 min to dissolve under stirring. The instant agar at low temperature will be the main direction of the further development.


