Abstract: In order to promote the laser land leveling technology in Hetao Irrigation District, compared with ordinary border, soil moisture, soil salinity in 0-80 cm depth and spring wheat growth of border with laser land leveling were determined in different segments at different stages of spring wheat growth. The results showed that the soil moisture of border with laser land leveling had no significant difference in different segments at different stages of spring wheat growth, but the soil moisture in roots distribution soil layer (0-40 cm) of ordinary border gradually increased from water inlet to border trail from spring wheat trefoil stage to maturity stage, and reached significant or very significant difference between different segments, as well the soil moisture of roots distribution soil layer of ordinary border in middle and posterior segment were significantly or very significantly higher than border with laser land leveling. Laser land leveling caused irrigation water uniformly distributed in the border. Soil salt accumulation in surface soil in ordinary border began from spring wheat trefoil stage, and in laser land leveling border began from spring wheat jointing stage, as well soil salt accumulation in surface soil in laser land leveling border was 20d later than that in ordinary border. Soil salinity in roots distribution soil layer of ordinary border and laser land leveling border all gradually increased from water inlet to border trail, and the soil salinity of ordinary border in middle and posterior segment were significantly or very significantly higher than that of laser land leveling border. For ordinary border from spring wheat trefoil stage and laser land leveling border from spring wheat jointing stage, the spring wheat growth situation became worse from water inlet to border trail, and the thousand-grain weight, wheat yields in spring wheat maturity stage gradually decreased, but the thousand-grain weight, wheat yields of laser land leveling border in middle and posterior segment were significantly or very significantly higher than that of ordinary border. This research indicated that laser land leveling technology improved soil moisture and salinity distribution in border, promoted spring wheat growth, boosted water use efficiency and the water output rate in middle and posterior segment of border.