辛 喆, 王顺喜, 云 峰, 管清云, 何也能. 基于火灾模拟软件FDS的草原火灾蔓延规律数值分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2013, 29(11): 156-163.
    引用本文: 辛 喆, 王顺喜, 云 峰, 管清云, 何也能. 基于火灾模拟软件FDS的草原火灾蔓延规律数值分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2013, 29(11): 156-163.
    Xin Zhe, Wang Shunxi, Yun Feng, Guan Qingyun, He Yeneng. Numerical analysis on spreading laws of grassland fire based on fire dynamics simulator FDS[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2013, 29(11): 156-163.
    Citation: Xin Zhe, Wang Shunxi, Yun Feng, Guan Qingyun, He Yeneng. Numerical analysis on spreading laws of grassland fire based on fire dynamics simulator FDS[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2013, 29(11): 156-163.


    Numerical analysis on spreading laws of grassland fire based on fire dynamics simulator FDS

    • 摘要: 为了研究不同影响因素下草原火灾的蔓延规律,该文针对某一实际草场,首先利用火灾模拟软件FDS(fire dynamics simulator)建立其简化的草原火灾模型,并对影响计算精度的模型参数如网格密度、计算域高度、计算域尺寸的设定进行相关性分析;其次,基于相关性分析结果,对模型在不同风速下草原火灾的蔓延规律进行数值计算,将计算结果与野外试验结果进行比较,证明了模型的正确性;最后,对该模型在不同环境温度、不同坡度及不同可燃物含水率条件下草原火灾蔓延规律进行三维数值研究,分析比较各影响因素对草原火灾蔓延规律的影响,并给出了不同影响因素下火灾的热释放速率、燃烧速率等的变化规律,为制定有效的防火灭火措施提供理论依据。


      Abstract: Abstract: Grassland is an important land resource in China. Grassland fire is one of the worst natural disasters which threaten the safety of herdsmen's lives and properties and ecological environment in the country. Due to vast territory, rich combustible and low rainfall of grassland, grassland fire has the features of suddenly happening, huge destruction and large influence area. As to organize fire suppression efficiently and reduce losses from fires, it has important significance to conduct the research on spreading laws of grassland fire under different influencing factors and on forecasting spreading trend of grassland fire duly.  The researches on behaviors of grassland and forest fires at home and aboard are mainly based on field observation and laboratory experiments, several important factors being seized through those. Moreover according to laws of statistics and physics, corresponding mathematical models are developed lastly for estimating the properties of wildfires. Researches on spreading laws and models of grassland and forest fires are mainly focused on forest fires at present. Grassland fires are often analyzed on the basis of the existing models of forest fires. In more recent years, it has been adopted by researchers gradually to forecast behaviors of grassland and forest fires with computer simulation.  FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) is the software of computational fluid dynamics to simulate fluid-flow in fires developed by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) in USA. Numerical approach has been developed by the software to solve Navier-Stokes equations of flow of low Mach number. Afterwards gas and process of heat transfer in fires have been calculated especially, through those the producing and move of gas in fires could be tracked and forecasted, so as to calculate the producing and spreading of fires.  In the paper, the simplified model of grassland fire has been created for a practical pasture with FDS firstly. Correlation analysis has been conducted on the parameters that influence the calculation accuracy such as the setting of mesh density, height of computed field and size of computed field. Secondly, based on the results of correlation analysis, numerical calculation has been conducted on the spreading laws of grassland fire in the condition of different wind speed. Calculation results and experiment results of field have been compared, which proves the correctness of the fire model. Finally, three-dimensional numerical research has been conducted on the spreading laws of grassland fires in the conditions of different ambient temperature, different gradient and different water content of combustibles of the model; the influences of different factors on the spread of grassland fire have been analyzed and compared; laws of heat release rate, combustion rate of fires in different factors have been obtained. As a result, it provides the theoretical basis on formulation of effective measures to fire prevention and extinction timely.


