
    Organization and retrieval of soil spatial grid data based on Morton code

    • 摘要: 为了更好地解决农业应用中空间信息的共享和利用问题,该文提出基于Morton码的空间网格数据的组织与编码方法。将宁夏自治区的土地利用现状图划分为3个层次的空间网格,通过3层编码使得最终的网格精度达到1 m2,并基于二维游程码对空间数据进行无损压缩。同时,在总结了空间网格在各应用领域的一般性检索要求的基础上,通过关系型数据库设计了索引结构。最后利用VS2010.net4.0与SQL Server 2008进行验证。试验表明,基于Morton码的空间网格数据的组织与检索方法节省了存储空间,能够使网格数据压缩到总网格数目的1/10。同时,提高了对空间数据的检索速度,克服了每个图斑的二维游程数不固定的技术困难,查询的速度可达到每秒检索数万条记录。该文对于农业空间信息资源的组织与管理提供了一种较为有效的方法。


      Abstract: In order to share and make better use of geographic information in agricultural applications, a spatial grids division and coding method based on Morton code was introduced in this paper. Taking the land utilization layer of Ningxia province as the example, the entire sample region was divided into three spatial grids layers and the final spatial grid’s size of third layer was refined to 1 m2. Encoded with the two dimension running encode (2DRE), the number of spatial grids could be highly compressed. At the same time, by summing up the general requirements in the application of spatial grids, a two-layered index structure was designed within relational database. In the experiment, a specific area with about 6×104 polygons was selected to validate SQL Server 2008 and VS2010.net 4.0 software. It was the conclusion that the spatial grids division and coding method based on Morton code could make the grid data shrink to one-tenth of its original number, the method had also overcome the technical difficulties that every figure had a different number of 2D run- length compressing coding and the retrieval speed of spatial data was improved to tens of thousands of records every second. This paper provides an effective method for the organization and management of the agricultural information resource.


