
    Feedforward PID control method for the automatic leveling of an orchard high-position operation platform

    • 摘要: 为提高果园高位作业平台自动调平控制系统性能,该研究基于已开发的果园高位作业平台调平机构,提出了前馈PID控制的自动调平控制方法。首先对果园高位作业平台自动调平控制系统进行动力学分析,建立被控对象数学模型。然后在数学模型的基础上设计前馈PID控制算法,并对控制系统进行仿真分析。仿真结果表明,前馈PID较传统PID的控制性能更优,系统上升时间缩短18%,调节时间缩短19%,稳态误差控制在0.6%以内。最后,搭建果园高位作业平台自动调平控制系统,并对调平系统进行静态与动态试验。试验结果表明:前馈PID控制的调平性能优于传统PID控制,静态调平中,前馈PID上升时间平均缩短20%,调节时间平均缩短30%,稳态误差控制在0.6%以内;动态调平中,果园高位作业平台以2 km/h的速度行驶于起伏较大的路面,工作台俯仰角绝对值差最大为3.0°,平均绝对误差为0.79°,均方根误差为0.58°,工作台倾角稳定在±3°以内,较好地实现了果园高位作业平台自动调平控制,满足果园作业需求。


      Abstract: Abstract: A high-position platform has gradually been utilized to realize the heavy tasks in an orchard, such as thinning flowers and fruit, bagging, and picking in modern mechanized agriculture. However, traditional high-position platforms cannot adjust adaptively in current orchards that are mostly concentrated in hilly and mountainous areas. Particularly, it is easy to cause stress, even the staff falling down from high place when working. Therefore, it is highly urgent to improve the automatic leveling control performance of high-position platform for higher efficiency and safety in hilly areas. In this study, an automatic control system was proposed for the self-developed leveling mechanism of high-position platform using feedforward PID control. A systematic dynamic analysis was also conducted via the electromagnet, proportional valve-controlled hydraulic cylinder, and leveling mechanism. A mathematical model was then established for the feedforward PID control in the automatic leveling system. Three parts were selected to design the model, including the current PI controller, angle PID controller, and feedforward compensator. Specifically, the current PI controller was used to reduce the internal error of the system, whereas, the feedforward compensator was used to increase the response speed with a low steady-state error. Furthermore, the angle information was first transmitted from the inclination sensor to the controller. After processing the received angle information, the feedforward PID controller output the corresponding current for the proportional valve, further to drive the pitch cylinder for the extension or retraction, and finally to tailor the angle of the platform for the standard movement. As such, the simulation of leveling control system demonstrated that the feedforward PID control presented a better performance than PID control. Firstly, the rise time of feedforward PID control was 1.26 s, while the regulation time was 2.05 s, respectively, compared with PID control. Secondly, the steady-state error was 0.020, which was lower than that of PID control. At the same time, a systematic test was also carried out to verify the high-position platform model. Correspondingly, it was found that the experimental and simulated values of rising time, adjustment time, and steady-state error differed by 0.19 s, 0.37 s, and 0.04°, respectively, whereas, those of waveforms were almost the same. It infers that the mathematical model was feasible for the leveling control system of the platform in an orchard. Finally, an automatic leveling control system was built for the high-position platform to conduct static and dynamic tests. The test results showed that the leveling performance of feedforward PID control was better than that of traditional PID control. In the static leveling, the high-position platform was leveled at an angle of -4.9°, -7.4°, and -9.6° relative to the ground. The rise time of feedforward PID control was 1.57, 1.35, and 1.47 s, while the leveling time was 3.15, 2.35, and 2.62 s, excluding the system response time. More importantly, the rise time, adjustment time, and steady-state error were shortened by 20%, 30%, and 0.6%, compared with the PID control. In the dynamic leveling, the high-position platform traveled on undulating roads at a speed of 2 km/h. The maximum error of pitch angle was -3.0°, the average absolute error was 0.79°, the mean square error was 0.58°, and the inclination angle was stable at ±3° for the workbench. Consequently, the automatic leveling control system can fully meet the operating requirements of high-position platform in hilly and mountainous areas.


