刘帮迪, 张雅丽, 柯泽华, 孙静, 周新群, 孙洁. LED光照对青熟香蕉贮运中后熟调控的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(20): 295-302. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.20.033
    引用本文: 刘帮迪, 张雅丽, 柯泽华, 孙静, 周新群, 孙洁. LED光照对青熟香蕉贮运中后熟调控的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(20): 295-302. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.20.033
    Liu Bangdi, Zhang Yali, Ke Zehua, Sun Jing, Zhou Xinqun, Sun Jie. Effects of LED light on the ripening regulation of green mature banana during storage and transportation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(20): 295-302. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.20.033
    Citation: Liu Bangdi, Zhang Yali, Ke Zehua, Sun Jing, Zhou Xinqun, Sun Jie. Effects of LED light on the ripening regulation of green mature banana during storage and transportation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(20): 295-302. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.20.033


    Effects of LED light on the ripening regulation of green mature banana during storage and transportation

    • 摘要: 为了解决香蕉贮运过程中常温运输品质劣变较快、贮运后乙烯催熟程度不可控制的问题。该研究以低成熟度香蕉为模拟贮运试材,研究红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫色LED单色光在常温(20 ℃)模拟贮运过程中延缓保鲜和催熟调控作用,以确定香蕉在不同波段光色照射下的后熟和品质变化。结果表明,蓝、紫光可以通过抑制香蕉呼吸强度和乙烯释放量,与无光照相比有效延长香蕉2 d的贮藏期、减少纤维素分解为果胶、防止硬度软化、抑制色泽转黄和淀粉-糖转化,蓝光的延缓后熟能力比紫光更好。红、橙光LED照射可以促使呼吸和乙烯高峰提前2 d,促进表皮转色,增加蔗糖、果糖和葡萄糖累积,从而有效促进香蕉成熟,橙光比红光照射的催熟效果更缓慢,可以达到精准催熟的效果。黄、绿光照射会扰乱香蕉的后熟进程,缩短2 d贮运期,在表皮转色程度较低的情况下累积更多丙二醛,并抑制呼吸、乙烯释放、淀粉-糖转化和纤维素降解作用,使香蕉在未完全后熟的情况下提前进入衰老腐烂阶段。总体来说,不同波段的6种LED光色处理香蕉,可以表现出延缓后熟、促进后熟和扰乱后熟3种不同的效果。研究结果为LED光照技术被更多的应用和研究在果蔬采后保鲜领域提供基础数据,也为节能保鲜和可调控催熟技术应用于香蕉实际生产提供参考依据。


      Abstract: Abstract: The purpose of this research was to clarify the effects of monochromatic lights with different fixed bands on the post-ripeness regulation in typical respiration fruits. Specifically, a systematic investigation was made on the effects of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple LED lights on delaying and accelerating low maturity bananas ripening during simulated storage and transportation at room temperature (20±0.7 ℃). The low maturity of bananas ripening and quality changes were observed under different colors of LED lighting treatment. The results showed that the >440-505 nm blue and 400-440 nm violet LED light greatly contributed to inhibiting the intensity respiratory of banana and release quantity of ethylene. Two colors of LED light were utilized to effectively delay the shelf storage time of banana for 2 days, while decreasing the color turn and decomposition of cellulose and starch. Subsequently, the final firmness of bananas under the blue and purple lighting treatment after 8 days was 2.5 and 0.1 N higher than the CK group. In addition, the total sugars content of bananas in the blue lighting group was 51.71% of CK. Hence, better preservation was achieved under the blue and purple LED lighting treatment, where the bananas post-ripening was inhibited to prolong the freshness preservation period. The >640-700 nm red and >605-640 nm orange LED lighting treatments were utilized to effectively promote 2 days earlier on bananas respiration and ethylene peak. In addition, the red light was used to increase the respiratory peak by 24.20% and the ethylene release peak by 23.97%, compared with the CK group. More importantly, the peel color of bananas turned more outstandingly under red and orange light, and the total color difference (ΔE) reached 94.70 and 83.25 at full ripeness. The red-orange light was also employed to stimulate the decomposition of starch and cellulose, thus speeding up the accumulation of bananas soluble sugar and softening. Therefore, it was found that both red and orange LED lights were selected to effectively accelerate the ripening of bananas. Among them, the orange light was used as an accurate of ripening, due to its intensity less than the red light. Additionally, the bananas exposed to yellow and green LED lighting showed premature rotting and post-ripening disorder. Moreover, the banana peels rotted seriously after 4 days, but the color differences (ΔE) of peels were 40.35 and 46.23 less than those of the CK group. Particularly, the>565-605 nm yellow and >505-565 nm green light also prevented the rapid decline of banana firmness, but accelerated the cellulose decomposition, compared with the CK group. At the same time, the pectin contents in the yellow and green light group were lower than those in CK. The changes of cellulose, pectin, and hardness varied in the groups. A comprehensive analysis was performed on the texture, sugar content, and respiration of bananas. It was found that the six LED light colors treatments were used to delay ripening, promote ripening and disturb ripening. Correspondingly, the red light was selected to promote banana ripening faster, the orange light to promote banana ripening slower, the blue light to inhibit post-ripening and delayed senescence better than purple light, the yellow and green light to disrupt the normal post-ripening of banana. In conclusion, monochromatic LED lighting can be widely expected to serve as physical preservation to delay or accelerate ripeness in the process of storage and transportation of bananas. This finding can provide a theoretical basis for the ripening regulation on more respiration fruits and vegetables.


