晏国生, 边艳云, 陈玖章. 冬小麦半精量机播农机、农艺综合配套技术的研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 1992, 8(1): 58-65.
    引用本文: 晏国生, 边艳云, 陈玖章. 冬小麦半精量机播农机、农艺综合配套技术的研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 1992, 8(1): 58-65.
    Yan Guosheng, BianYanyun, ChenJiozhang. Study on the Comprehensive Agrotechnique and Machinery for Semi-concisely Drilled Winter Wheat[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1992, 8(1): 58-65.
    Citation: Yan Guosheng, BianYanyun, ChenJiozhang. Study on the Comprehensive Agrotechnique and Machinery for Semi-concisely Drilled Winter Wheat[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1992, 8(1): 58-65.


    Study on the Comprehensive Agrotechnique and Machinery for Semi-concisely Drilled Winter Wheat

    • 摘要: 运用农业系统工程原理,采取系统分析方法,选择对小麦高产影响较大的可控农机农艺因素为变量,以产量、净产值为目标函数,通过农机具引进、研制、改装、生产和多点试验分析,模拟运算,筛选出一套半精量机播为主的最佳农机农艺综合配套栽培管理技术。经四年实践,应用推广14.26万公顷(213.95万亩),创社会、经济效益1.4亿元。


      Abstract: By means of operational research, a set of optimal comprehensive agrotechnique and semi-concise wheat drill was put forward from a mutti-objective function on production and net output value, with variables controllable in agrotechnique and machinery which have more significant effect on wheat production. The model was found reliable in many experiments and prodution.By applying the model in 142,600 ha of winter wheat production in 4 years, a benefit of 14 million Yuan was gained. Its economic and social benefits were both great.


