侯彩云, 王一鸣, 凌云, 孙剑锋, 孙明, 贾贵儒, 林夕. 垩白米粒的计算机图像识别[J]. 农业工程学报, 2002, 18(3): 165-168.
    引用本文: 侯彩云, 王一鸣, 凌云, 孙剑锋, 孙明, 贾贵儒, 林夕. 垩白米粒的计算机图像识别[J]. 农业工程学报, 2002, 18(3): 165-168.
    Hou Caiyun, Wang Yiming, Ling Yun, Sun Jianfeng, Sun Ming, Jia Guiru, Lin Xi. Discernment of Chalky Rice Kernel with Image Processing System[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2002, 18(3): 165-168.
    Citation: Hou Caiyun, Wang Yiming, Ling Yun, Sun Jianfeng, Sun Ming, Jia Guiru, Lin Xi. Discernment of Chalky Rice Kernel with Image Processing System[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2002, 18(3): 165-168.


    Discernment of Chalky Rice Kernel with Image Processing System

    • 摘要: 自行开发研制了计算机图像处理系统,用于优质稻谷国家标准GB/T 17891-1999中质量指标垩白度及垩白粒率的检测。利用该系统对6种粳米和2种籼米进行测定,结果表明,该方法具有客观性、准确性、快速性和可重复性等特点,在收购优质稻米进行快速分等定级中具有良好的应用前景。


      Abstract: An image processing system was developed which was specially used for the detection of the quality indexes of chalkiness and percentage of chalky rice kernels listed in the national standard GB/T 17891-1999. Six round-grained and two long-grained nonglutinous varieties of rice were inspected with the aid of the system. Its characteristics were well objective, accurate, quick and repeatable. The system is a potential solution for rapid quality determination in rice purchasing practice.


