
    Distribution of rice kernel moisture content at harvest

    • 摘要: 利用计算机和单粒水分测定装置,测定了稻谷成熟、收获、堆放过程中粒体之间的水分分布,研究了粒体之间的水分交换机理。发现在收获期稻粒的含水率受外界环境条件的影响很大,高温高湿的气候特点造成稻粒表层吸附大量自由水分是形成稻谷高湿的主要原因。比较新收稻谷和糙米粒间水分分布发现,稻谷的含水率始终比糙米的含水率高出很多,由此推测稻壳中的含水率比较高,这为安排工艺快速去除新收稻谷表面水分提供了依据。


      Abstract: The variation of individual rice moisture content is significant. Grain moisture distributions were investigated during maturing, harvesting and storing by means of computer and single kernel tester. The mechanisms of moisture transferring among kernels were discussed. High temperature and high humidity climate causes high moisture content of rough rice during harvesting. Moisture distributions of rough and brown rice were compared. Moisture content of rough rice is always much higher than that of brown rice. The moisture content of hulls is the highest. Ventilation can make grain surface moisture wipe off quickly and uniformly.


