
    Soil evaporation variation and estimating model from winter wheat field in intercropping patterns

    • 摘要: 采用微型蒸渗仪(Micro-lysimeter)观测了单作和间作两种不同种植模式下冬小麦棵间土壤蒸发,分析了两种不同种植模式下棵间土壤蒸发的变化规律,探讨了影响麦田棵间土壤蒸发的主要因素,在此基础上对单作和间作麦田采用多元回归分析,建立了两种种植模式下估算棵间土壤蒸发的数学模型,所建模型模拟精度较高,模拟值与实测值吻合较好。


      Abstract: Soil evaporation among winter wheat plants was measured by Micro-lysimeter under the sole cropping and intercropping patterns. The authors analyzed variation law of soil evaporation, and discussed the main factors which produce an effect on soil evaporation from the winter wheat field, and through it, the authors established estimating model of soil evaporation under the sole cropped and intercropping winter wheat by multivariate regression analysis. Estimated values were fitted to observed data.


