马文奇, 张福锁. 中国猪粪尿NH3排放因子的估算[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(4).
    引用本文: 马文奇, 张福锁. 中国猪粪尿NH3排放因子的估算[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(4).
    Ma Wenqi, Zhang Fusuo. Estimation of NH3 emission factor for pig manure in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(4).
    Citation: Ma Wenqi, Zhang Fusuo. Estimation of NH3 emission factor for pig manure in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(4).


    Estimation of NH3 emission factor for pig manure in China

    • 摘要: 畜禽粪尿导致的NH3挥发及其沉降所带来的环境污染已成为全球关注的热点问题,并逐渐成为环境外交的重要议题。确定各种畜禽养殖生产过程中NH3排放因子和数量是制定减少NH3排放措施的重要步骤。针对中国养猪业占主要地位的生产实际,该文以猪粪尿NH3挥发为研究对象,在查阅文献资料和实地调研的基础上,运用养分流及RAINS模型的理念,以“猪舍-储藏-农田施用”为链条,初步研究了中国不同养殖方式和粪肥管理模式下不同猪种粪尿NH3排放因子与挥发特征。旨在为中国今后确定畜禽粪尿NH3排放因子及NH3排放量提供方法及数据依据。结果表明:1)中国农户散养猪NH3排放因子,育肥猪在“沼气模式”(即将猪粪尿进行沼气池发酵处理)和“堆积模式”(即将猪粪尿进行露天堆积处理)下分别为4.75~4.93和7.36~7.50 kg·(头·a)-1,成年母猪分别为8.64~8.97和13.38~13.64 kg·(头·a)-1;集约化养殖下,育肥猪、成年母猪、幼猪NH3排放因子分别为3.13~3.29、5.76~6.12、0.57~0.60 kg·(头·a)-1;2)不同养殖方式下,各环节NH3挥发特性有所不同。集约化养殖与农户散养“沼气模式”下,猪舍NH3挥发量最大,而农户散养“堆积模式”下,储藏过程NH3挥发量最大;3)与国外NH3排放因子相比,中国农户散养育肥猪NH3排放因子“堆积模式”下略高于联合国欧洲经济委员会(UNECE)数据,“沼气模式”略低于UNECE数据;而母猪、集约化养殖各猪种NH3排放因子均较国外数值小。


      Abstract: The environmental pollution resulting from emission and deposition of ammonia (NH3) from animal manure has become a global concern and an important topic in the environmental diplomacy. To make the control strategies of ammonia emission, it is a key task to identify NH3 emission factor (NH3 EF) for different kinds of animals. Pig production is one of the main domestic animal productions in China, from which large quantities of manure are produced each year. NH3 emission from pig manure was studied by using nutrient flow methodology applied in the RAINS model. Based on extensive literature review and investigations for several provinces of China, the NH3 EFs for different pigs were calculated and characteristics of NH3 EFs under different breeding types and manure management options were analyzed in the course of “housing-storage-field application”, aiming to supply methods for identification of NH3 EF for other animals, and then to estimate NH3 emission from animal production of China. The results showed: 1) Under housing-holding breeding, the NH3 EFs of “household biogas model” (which refers to that manure was stored in household biogas pool) and “composting model” (with manure stored and composted on open place) for fattening were 4.75~4.93, 7.36~7.50 kg·(animal·a)-1 and for sow were 8.64~8.97, 13.38~13.64 kg·(animal·a)-1, respectively. Under intensive breeding, the NH3 EFs for fattening, sow and piglet were 3.13~3.29, 5.76~6.12, 0.57~0.60 kg·(animal·a)-1, respectively. 2) Characteristics of NH3 emission in the link of “housing-storage-field application” between two breeding types were different. For intensive breeding and “household biogas model” under housing-holding breeding, emission in house was the largest; while for “composting model”, emission during storage was the largest. 3) Compared with data from foreign literature, NH3 EFs for fattening in “composting model” under housing-holding breeding was slightly larger than UNECE’s data, but NH3 EF for fattening in “household biogas model” was slightly smaller than UNECE’s data. Moreover, NH3 EFs for sow under housing-holding breeding and for pigs under intensive breeding were all smaller than UNECE’s data.


