
    Preference habit of juvenile turbot for different color backgrounds based on computer vision

    • 摘要: 为了探讨大菱鲆幼鱼对于不同背景色的选择习性,该文首先通过9格颜色试验发现大菱鲆幼鱼偏好淡紫色,而出现在黑色和红色背景累积频率较低;同时通过计算机视觉分析发现,幼鱼在黑色和红色背景下体表明度变化速率远比在紫色和粉色背景下剧烈,证明了黑色和红色背景对幼鱼胁迫更大,其需要调动更多激素来调整生理响应,以改变体色适应新的背景环境。因此建议养殖池的颜色尽量采用浅色,不要使用黑色等深色作为养殖背景颜色,研究结果可为养殖系统设计和生产管理提供参考依据。


      Abstract: In order to study the fond habit of juvenile turbot to different color backgrounds, the experiment of 9 color backgrounds selection was conducted and fish body color response to different colors was analyzed. The results showed that the appearance frequency of juvenile turbot in purple and pink backgrounds was significantly higher than that in black and red ones, and body brightness change rate under black and red backgrounds was more drastic and intensive than under pink and purple backgrounds. Results indicated that fish needed more physiological response to adapt black or red background and it is better to use lighter color as the background rather than black or red color. This research provides reference for aquaculture system designs and operations.


