
    Positioning algorithm for agricultural machinery omnidirectional vision positioning system

    • 摘要: 农业机械全方位视觉定位系统根据标识方位角角度估算传感器相对于标识坐标系的绝对位置,包括系统校正、除噪、标识特征提取、方位角度估算和定位算法,其中定位算法是实现农业机械全方位视觉定位系统的关键部分。该文主要研究了4个标识和3个标识的定位算法,并通过室外30 m×30 m平地上的定点试验和传感器倾斜试验验证定位精度及传感器倾斜对定位精度的影响。试验结果表明,试验点坐标的估算值与实测值之间距离的均方根误差与平均绝对误差分别为14.75和14.06 cm,最大绝对误差为25.72 cm;倾斜角度越大,对定位精度的影响越大。研究表明本文定位算法是可行的,且算法简单、运行速度快;实用中当传感器倾斜角度大于5°或者凹凸不平明显的作业环境中,有必要考虑传感器倾斜造成的定位误差的补偿。


      Abstract: Abstract: The absolute position of the sensor with respect to identifying the coordinate system is estimated based on identifying the azimuth angle for agricultural machinery full visual positioning system. The positioning algorithm was a key for the omnidirectional vision positioning system. A novel agricultural machinery positioning system was developed based on an omnidirectional vision and four or less than four artificial landmarks utilizing abundant imaging information and unchangeable directional angle for spatial point and imaging point. The positioning system has preferable features for agricultural machinery compared with GPS because of the simpler structures, higher precision, better adaptability and able to work in the night. Four artificial landmarks are built on the four corners of the enclosing rectangle around the working area. The estimated position is calculated according to the circumferential theorem and geometric transformation based on the direction angles of the landmarks with the principal point of camera. The algorithms mainly included the imaging system calibration, noise elimination, landmarks' features extraction and position estimation. Considering the noise of environment or some light obstacles, one or more of four landmarks' features extractions may be defeated. The algorithms of four landmarks detection and three landmarks detection to estimate sensor position were studied. First, the coloured landmark pixels beyond the threshold are extracted as a small area and the center of gravity is calculated for the extracted small area representing the position of one landmark. Then, the position of four representative landmarks is obtained and the four directional angles of the landmarks are estimated using only one omnidirectional image. Sensor position is able to be estimated using the center of gravity of the four intersections formed by four arcs according to geometric transformation based on the four directional angles of the extracted four landmarks. And the sensor position is also able to be estimated using the center of gravity of the three intersections formed by three arcs according to geometric transformation based on the three directional angles of the extracted three landmarks. Pointing test and camera tilt test were conducted on the level ground in an area of 30 m × 30 m outside under natural sunlight. 25 points every 5 m in the x and y axes were selected in the pointing test, and 7 points (x, y) = (0, 15), (5, 15), (10, 15), (15, 15), (20, 15), (25, 15), (30, 15) in the middle of the square area were selected in the camera tilt test. Chuo Seiki precision equipment for adjusting the camera angle was operated by hand. Pointing test results showed that the maximum absolute distance error was 25.72 cm; the average absolute distance error and RMS distance error of sensor position were 14.06 and 14.75 cm, respectively. Sensor tilt test results showed that the positioning accuracy was influenced by the tilt angle. If the tilt angle more than 5°, the influence was obvious. In conclusion, the proposed algorithm is effective and simple, and the program speed is rapid. In practice, it is necessary to consider the compensation for positioning error via sensor tilt when using under the condition of tilt angle greater than 5 degree or rugged environment. This system is a potential substitute or compensation for GPS in agricultural machinery navigation required for indoor and outdoor environments in the future.


