史云扬, 艾东, 孙逸航, 郝晋珉. 考虑"资源-资产-资本"属性的云南山区耕地质量评价与管理分区[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(20): 277-286. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.20.031
    引用本文: 史云扬, 艾东, 孙逸航, 郝晋珉. 考虑"资源-资产-资本"属性的云南山区耕地质量评价与管理分区[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(20): 277-286. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.20.031
    Shi Yunyang, Ai Dong, Sun Yihang, Hao Jinmin. Cultivated land quality evaluation and management zoning considering the attribute of "resource-asset-capital" in mountainous areas of Yunnan Province of China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(20): 277-286. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.20.031
    Citation: Shi Yunyang, Ai Dong, Sun Yihang, Hao Jinmin. Cultivated land quality evaluation and management zoning considering the attribute of "resource-asset-capital" in mountainous areas of Yunnan Province of China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(20): 277-286. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.20.031


    Cultivated land quality evaluation and management zoning considering the attribute of "resource-asset-capital" in mountainous areas of Yunnan Province of China

    • 摘要: 市场经济体制下树立耕地"资源-资产-资本"属性观并开展耕地"三资"管理实践是实现耕地高效利用和配置的重要手段。该研究按照属性分析-质量评价-分区管理的基本思路,归纳总结了耕地"三资"属性内涵,并以此为依据运用多源数据构建了云南山区典型农业县寻甸县的耕地"三资"质量评价体系,通过耕地质量评价结果空间集聚特征,划定寻甸县耕地"三资"管理分区,提出了针对性管理措施。结果表明:1)耕地资源属性指耕地在一定的光温水土气热自然条件下进行农业生产活动获取农产品的属性;资产属性指处于社会关系中的耕地资源,通过法律制度确定权属,可以为产权主体带来收益的属性;资本属性指耕地在市场中进行交易和流通以获得高额利润的属性。耕地的"三资"属性相互影响,逐渐递进,是耕地资源价值化的必经之路。2)寻甸县耕地"三资"质量分布和空间格局存在差异。耕地资源质量较资产、资本质量变异特征较小,分布稳定。在空间格局上资源质量呈现出"东西高,中部低"的空间格局,而资产和资本质量分别呈现出"向城镇中心梯度递减"和"东南高,西北低"的空间格局。3)以行政村为单位,将寻甸县划分为市场化建设先行区、市场化发展培育区、高效利用提升区和整治修复集中区4个耕地管理分区,并提出差异化的分区管理措施。该研究成果可对寻甸县耕地保护和发展建设提供指导,并对云南山区耕地管理实践工作提供科学借鉴。


      Abstract: Abstract: "Resource-asset-capital" attributes can be used to promote the efficient utilization and allocation of cultivated land against the market-oriented economy. Taking a typical Xundian County in mountainous areas of Yunnan Province as a study area, the quality evaluation and zoning management were made using the attributes connotation of "resource-asset-capital" and multi-source data of cultivated land. The targeted measures of local cultivated land management were also proposed for each zone using the local autocorrelation, according to the spatial agglomeration of quality evaluation. The results show that: 1) The resource attribute of cultivated land referred to the specific agricultural activities for the products from the cultivated land under certain natural conditions, such as light, temperature, water, soil, and heat. The asset attribute of cultivated land was that the cultivated land resources in social relations were able to bring benefits, thereby determining the ownership through the legal system. The capital attribute of cultivated land was that the cultivated land was traded and circulated in the market to obtain high profits. The resource, asset and capital attributes presented the influence on each other, indicating the only way for the value of cultivated land resources. 2) There were great differences among the geographical distribution and spatial pattern of resource, asset and capital quality of cultivated land. The resource quality of cultivated land showed less variation and more stable geographical distribution, compared with asset and capital quality. Furthermore, the resource quality of cultivated land in the study area presented a "high in the east and west and low in the middle" trend in spatial patterns. However, the asset and capital quality of cultivated land in the study area showed a "gradient decreasing towards the urban center" and a "high in the southeast and low in the northwest" pattern, respectively. 3) Taking the administrative village as the basic research unit, four areas were divided using the comprehensive spatial agglomeration, including the market-oriented pilot zone, market-oriented cultivation area, efficient upgrading area, and remediation concentration area. Differentiated management measures were also proposed for each zone. It is necessary to formulate and implement policies and regulations for the easy entry of high-quality cultivated land resources into the market for the market-oriented pilot zone. Further, the property rights system and the income distribution can be improved to ensure the rational circulation of cultivated land resources for the market-oriented cultivation area. The finding can provide a scientific reference for the protection and development of cultivated land management in the mountainous areas of Yunnan province.


