于林惠, 丁艳锋, 薛艳凤, 凌启鸿, 袁钊和. 水稻机插秧田间育秧秧苗素质影响因素研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2006, 22(3): 73-78.
    引用本文: 于林惠, 丁艳锋, 薛艳凤, 凌启鸿, 袁钊和. 水稻机插秧田间育秧秧苗素质影响因素研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2006, 22(3): 73-78.
    Yu Linhui, Ding Yanfeng, Xue Yanfeng, Ling Qihong, Yuan Zhaohe. Factors affacting rice seedling quality of mechanical transplanting rice[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2006, 22(3): 73-78.
    Citation: Yu Linhui, Ding Yanfeng, Xue Yanfeng, Ling Qihong, Yuan Zhaohe. Factors affacting rice seedling quality of mechanical transplanting rice[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2006, 22(3): 73-78.


    Factors affacting rice seedling quality of mechanical transplanting rice

    • 摘要: 为明确影响机插育秧秧苗素质的因素,该文以镇稻6217为材料,研究了机插稻育秧中的播种量、秧田水分管理及施用旱秧壮秧剂对秧苗素质的影响。结果表明:播种量较低时,秧苗个体性状优势明显,但盘根性差,不利于起秧机插;播量过高时,秧苗素质弱,不利于机插后的返青活棵。水分运筹中,旱育较水育更有利于健壮秧的形成,同时有助于延长秧龄、增加秧龄弹性。施用旱秧壮秧剂在短期内可起到培肥的效果,但用量不宜超过1%。


      Abstract: In order to determine the factors affacting seedling quality of mechanical transplanting rice, Zhendao6217 was used to investigate the effects of different sowing densities, irrigation management and strong dry rice promoter on rice seedling quality. The results showed that as the sowing density was lower, seedling quality was superior, but the circuvoluting roots were too worse to curl up for mechanical transplanting. When the sowing density was higher, rice seedling quality became bad, which made it difficult for rice seedling to regreen and revive. The suitable sowing density was around 739~924 g/m2. Dry rice seedling was more beneficial to grow vigorous rice seedlings, and had more advantages to prolong the seedling age. The application of moderate amount less than 1% of strong dry rice promoter could take the same effect as fertilizing.


