
    Simulated experiment on drainage and fine sediment retention effects of geotextiles in land reclamation with Yellow River sediments

    • 摘要: 为验证土工布用于加速引黄河泥沙充填采煤沉陷地的后期侧向排水及降低排水中泥沙含量的效果,在室内进行了基于土工布的泥沙充填排水模拟试验。该试验在玻璃槽内完成,设计3个试验处理,分别为ZT-250(整个断面开口+铁丝网+ZW-250土工布)、ZT-300(整个断面开口+铁丝网+ZW-300土工布)以及CK(断面中间部分开口+可调节高度的塑料板)。测定了3个处理的排水含沙量及泥沙粒径、玻璃槽内表层泥沙粒径以及充填表层和底层泥沙含水率随时间的变化。结果表明:1)3种处理排水含沙量整体差异较小,但使用土工布处理的排水含沙量随时间的延长逐渐降低,而对照处理排水含沙量随时间的延长逐渐增大;2)排水初期和中期,对照CK的排水中泥沙的黏粒含量均高于使用土工布的2个处理。排水后期CK的黏粒含量介于处理ZT-250和ZT-300之间。随着试验的进行,使用土工布的2个处理排水中泥沙的黏粒含量逐渐升高,粉粒含量逐渐降低,而对照处理呈现相反的变化趋势。使用土工布的2个处理拦沙效果较为稳定。3)3种处理充填表层泥沙粒径级配无明显差异,但使用土工布处理充填的表层泥沙的极细砂粒含量较高。4)3种处理充填泥沙表层和底层含水率变化存在差异,使用土工布可以加速泥沙中过饱和水的排除,其中处理ZT-250排水效果最好。该研究可为中国东部高潜水位平原矿区采煤沉陷地引黄河泥沙充填复垦的快速排水工艺革新提供依据。


      Abstract: Abstract: Yellow River sediments have been used as filler for land reclamation in mining subsidence land nearby Yellow River. During the reclamation, water is often drained directly and rapidly from outlet excavated in the center of the cofferdam, leading to fine sediments (clay and most of silt) lost with drainage and deposited in ditch, poor lateral drainage of saturated sediments, low drainage efficiency by only vertical infiltration in reclamation strip. In this study, we tested the feasibility of geotextiles used in the Yellow River sediments to increase the lateral drainage velocity and reduce the sediment loss in drainage in a laboratory experiment. The Yellow River sediments were filed in glass tanks to simulate the land reclamation process. Two kinds of geotextiles including 250 (ZW-250) and 300 g (ZW-300) a piece were selected. In the treatments with geotextiles, the whole cross section was opened for drainage. A control without geotextile (CK) was designed with narrow outlet in the center of the cross section for drainage. Similarly, glass holder and wire netting were used for supporting in all the three treatments. Sediment content in the drainage, grain size distribution of sediments in the drainage, grain size distribution of surface sediments (0-2 cm) in the glass tank and water content of filled surface sediments (0-15 cm) and bottom sediments (15-30 cm) in the glass tank of the three treatments were measured by laser grain size analyzer and other conventional methods. The results showed that there was little difference on sediment content in drainage of the three treatments. In the first stage (10 min after drainage stabilization), the sediment content in drainage of ZT-250 and ZT-300 treatments was higher than that of CK, which was opposite for the medium and later stages. In the later stage (10 min before ending experiment), the sediment content in drainage of CK was 3.1 and 4.2 times as high as that of ZT-250 and ZT-300, respectively. During the experiment, the sediment content in drainage of the geotextiles treatments revealed a downward trend, but the CK had an upward trend. In the first and medium stages, the characteristic grain sizes of sediments in drainage of the treatments using geotextiles were higher than those of CK, while the clay content was lower than that of CK. In the later stage, the characteristic grain sizes of sediments in drainage of the treatments using geotextiles were comparable with those of CK, while the clay content of CK was between that of ZT-250 and ZT-300. Same as the trend of sediment content in drainage, the clay content of sediments in drainage of the geotextiles treatments increased, while CK decrased. The coefficient of variation of the clay content in drainage of the treatments using geotextiles was lower than that of CK, indicating that the geotextiles had stable effects on retaining sediments in glass tank. There was little difference in grain size distribution of filled surface sediments in the glass tank, but there was higher content of very fine sediments in ZT-250 and ZT-300 than that of CK. The geotextiles could increase the lateral drainage velocity of the saturated sediments and the treatment of ZT-250 had the best performance. However, the effectiveness of geotextiles on reducing sediment content in the drainage and increasing the lateral drainage velocity of the saturated sediments still need to be verified before used in the field. The research could provide valuble information for the innovation of quick drainage technology of filled Yellow River sediments in mining subsidence land located in the plain mining area with high groundwater level in Eastern China.


