武建设, 陈学庚. 新疆兵团棉花生产机械化发展现状问题及对策[J]. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(18): 5-10. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.18.002
    引用本文: 武建设, 陈学庚. 新疆兵团棉花生产机械化发展现状问题及对策[J]. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(18): 5-10. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.18.002
    Wu Jianshe, Chen Xuegeng. Present situation, problems and countermeasures of cotton production mechanization development in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(18): 5-10. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.18.002
    Citation: Wu Jianshe, Chen Xuegeng. Present situation, problems and countermeasures of cotton production mechanization development in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(18): 5-10. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.18.002


    Present situation, problems and countermeasures of cotton production mechanization development in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

    • 摘要: 自新疆生产建设兵团(以下简称新疆兵团)成立以来,棉花种植面积和总产量有了非常明显的增长。为了揭示其快速增长的原因,该文运用观察法、文献研究法、系统科学方法等研究方法,分析和回顾了新疆兵团棉花生产机械化发展的历史,总结了新疆兵团棉花生产机械化的创新技术。由分析总结显示,新疆兵团棉花生产在自治区和中国处于领先和引领作用的原因,是新疆兵团棉花生产机械化起了关键作用,新疆兵团棉花生产基本实现了全程机械化,并逐步向规模化、信息化、智能化和社会服务化方向发展。也充分说明,农业装备水平的提高,是现代农业发展的坚实基础。该文也梳理了新疆兵团棉花生产机械化过程中遇到或出现的一些问题,根据农艺和农机技术发展的趋势,提出未来新疆兵团棉花生产机械化发展的对策。


      Abstract: Abstract: The historical data analysis has showed that for the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (hereinafter referred as the Corps), its leading role of cotton production in the autonomous region and the nation is very clear. The reason is that the Corps cotton production mechanization has played a key role. Farming herd of the Corps are distributed in a typical arid region, and so agricultural harvest fertility should rely on not only the development of water-saving agriculture mechanization, but also the innovation of cotton production mechanization technology. First of all, mulch planting mechanization promotes the ascension of the Corps cotton production level for the first time, which has set the Corps cotton cultivation free from the traditional manual work into mechanical work. Cotton planting area and yield has greatly increased. On the basis of the mulch planting mechanization, the Corps integrated the drip irrigation under membrane, the precise seeding above membrane and the high density cultivation, and realized the second promotion of the Corps cotton production level. Two promotions, i.e. mulch planting mechanization and water-saving mechanization have realized high yield of cotton production in arid regions. Second, the cotton production mechanization technology innovation has basically achieved the Corps cotton planting mechanization in the whole process of the production. The water-saving agricultural mechanization development and the cotton production mechanization technology innovation, make the Corps cotton production develop towards the directions of large scale, mechanization, informatization, intelligentization and social service, and lead to the mechanization of cotton production in the full implementation. Also it fully shows that the improvement of agricultural equipment is a solid foundation for the development of modern agriculture, and especially in the arid region, the improvement of agricultural equipment level is more important for agricultural development. The Corps cotton production mechanization development is a good example to the agricultural mechanization development for not only China, but also the countries all over the world, especially in arid regions. But during the Corps cotton production mechanization development process, there are also some problems to be solved, such as residual membrane pollution to the environment and agricultural production, breeding new cotton varieties that adapt to mechanical harvesting and topping in cotton production mechanization. The solutions of these problems are badly in need of agricultural, biological, chemical, physical experts and management experts to overcome difficulty. Through the review of the history of the Corps cotton production mechanization development, on the basis of the summary of the Corps cotton production mechanization technology innovation, this paper combs some problems appearing in the process of cotton production mechanization, and then according to the development trend of agricultural machinery technology, puts forward some countermeasures for the Corps cotton production mechanization development in the future.


