    Quantitative analysis on technological characteristics of different conservation tillage patterns in major agricultural regions of China
    Chen Yuanquan, Sui Peng, Gao Wangsheng, Li Yuanyuan
    2012, 28(18): 1-7.
    Abstract PDF
    Development of semi-automatic control system for new shootings cuttage propagation facilities of blueberry
    Zhang Daohui, Wang Jiawei, Zong Xiaojuan, Wei Hairong, Xu Li, Liu Qingzhong
    2012, 28(18): 8-15.
    Abstract PDF
    Improvement design and test to key components of castor capsule hulling device
    Cao Yuhua, Li Changyou, Zhang Zengxue, Qing Yanmei, Yao Liangliang
    2012, 28(18): 16-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of parameters for soybean lifter based on dynamic simulation of virtual prototype
    Chen Haitao, Dun Guoqiang
    2012, 28(18): 23-29.
    Abstract PDF
    Rheologic behavior of chopped corn stalks during rotary compression
    Li Ruxin, Geng Aijun, Zhao He, Bao Wei, Fan Xiuwen
    2012, 28(18): 30-35.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of sowing patterns on growth, development and yield formation of wheat in rice stubble land
    Li Chaosu, Tang Yonglu, Wu Chun, Huang Gang
    2012, 28(18): 36-43.
    Abstract PDF
    Relationship between steering power ratio and turning coefficient of tracked vehicle adopting differential steering mechanism
    Chi Yuan
    2012, 28(18): 44-48.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment of vehicle localization based on polynomial Kalman filter
    Zhao Ruqi, Zhao Zuoxi, Zhao Ruzhun
    2012, 28(18): 49-56.
    Abstract PDF
    Air-fuel ratio and combustion characteristics for linear engine at low speed
    Yin Zhaolei, Wang Zhe, Deng Jun, Luan Yanlong, Wang Xiaoqin, Zhang Tong
    2012, 28(18): 57-63.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of proportions of biodiesel/diesel blends on structures of diesel engine particulates
    Ma Zhihao, Zhang Xiaoyu, Ma Fanhua, Duan Junfa, Xu Bin, Wu Jian
    2012, 28(18): 64-68.
    Abstract PDF
    Hydraulic characteristics of swirling fluidized-sand biofilter
    Zhang Haigeng, Wu Fan, Zhang Yulei, Song Benben, Song hongqiao, Ni Qi
    2012, 28(18): 69-74.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of blade thickness on performance of axial flow pump and analysis of internal flow field
    Sha Yi, Hou Liyan
    2012, 28(18): 75-81.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation study on freeze-thaw damage of hydraulic concrete in construction period
    Guo Lixia, Luo Guojie, Zhong Ling, Chen Shoukai
    2012, 28(18): 82-87.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of connecting patterns of branch pipes on superposed water hammer pressure in trunk pipe for the PVC pipeline system
    Wei Chuang, Li Mingsi, Li Dongwei, Lei Chengxia
    2012, 28(18): 88-97.
    Abstract PDF
    Risk assessment and spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of flood and drought disasters in Henan province
    Zhang Jingjing
    2012, 28(18): 98-106.
    Abstract PDF
    Stochastic simulation of regional water requirement based on Copula function
    Yang Fengshun, Shao Dongguo, Gu wenquan, Xiao Chun, Tan Xuezhi, Yang Haidong
    2012, 28(18): 107-112.
    Abstract PDF
    Farmer cognition on water-saving irrigation technology and its influencing factors analysis
    Huang Yuxiang, Han Wenting, Zhou Long, Liu Wenshuai, Liu Jundi
    2012, 28(18): 113-120.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of alternated different irrigation amount modes on growth regulation and water use of Jatropha curcas L.
    Yang Qiliang, Sun Yingjie, Qi Yafeng, Liu Yanwei, Wang Chengwu, Liu Xiaogang, Ge Zhenyang
    2012, 28(18): 121-126.
    Abstract PDF
    Productivity and water use in sunflower intercropped with potato
    Dong Wanlin, Zhang Lizhen, Yu Yang, Gou Fang, Zhao Peiyi, Tuo Debao, Pan Xuebiao
    2012, 28(18): 127-133.
    Abstract PDF
    Vegetation soil water carrying capacity of artificial pasture in loess region in Northern Shaanxi, China
    Wang Yanping, Shao Mingan
    2012, 28(18): 134-141.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of wind and water double erosion on characteristics of runoff and sediment from slope lands
    Tuo Dengfeng, Xu Mingxiang, Zheng Shiqing, Li Qiang, Pei Huimin
    2012, 28(18): 142-148.
    Abstract PDF
    Overlap and skip evaluation for agricultural machinery operation based on GPS track logs
    Liu Hui, Meng Zhijun, Fu Weiqiang
    2012, 28(18): 149-154.
    Abstract PDF
    Development and application of citrus LAI using infrared transmittance technique
    Wu Weibin, Hong Tiansheng, Zhang Lijun, Li Yuecheng, Zheng Xihe, Shi Jianzhu, Huo Qing
    2012, 28(18): 155-162.
    Abstract PDF
    Intelligent diagnose system of diseases and insect pests in sweet corn based on mobile terminal with Android system
    Yang Linnan, Gao Lutao, Lin Ersheng, Peng Lin, Li Wenfeng
    2012, 28(18): 163-168.
    Abstract PDF
    Influence and investigation of locust's phototactic response enhanced by coupling between light and vibration
    Liu Qihang, Wu Di, Zhou Qiang
    2012, 28(18): 169-176.
    Abstract PDF
    Relevance of hyperspectral image feature to catalase activity in eggplant leaves with grey mold disease
    Xie Chuanqi, Feng Lei, Feng Bin, Li Xiaoli, Liu Fei, He Yong
    2012, 28(18): 177-184.
    Abstract PDF
    Regional differences of livestock and poultry breeding output in scale and policy suggestions during 2002-2009 in China
    Fu Qiang, Zhu Yunqiang, Yang Hongxin, Wu Genyi, Yan Lijie, Yang Fei, Kong Xiangsheng
    2012, 28(18): 185-191.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil respiration and its affecting factors in dry-land maize field under different tillage systems
    Zhang Junli, Sikander Khan Tanveer, Wen Xiaoxia, Chen Yuexing, Gao Mingbo, Liu Yang, Liao Yuncheng
    2012, 28(18): 192-199.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial variability of groundwater nitrate-nitrogen and cause analysis of its pollution for irrigation area with reclaimed water
    Yin Shiyang, Wu Wenyong, Liu Honglu, Zhang Xianquan
    2012, 28(18): 200-207.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation and release performance of polyacrylic acid grafted alkali lignin-based iron fertilizer
    Ma Yanli, Wang Ruru, Fang Guizhen, Li Daqi
    2012, 28(18): 208-214.
    Abstract PDF
    Suitability evaluation and consolidation division of rural residential areas in villages and towns
    Kong Xuesong, Liu Yaolin, Deng Xuankai, Luo Ti
    2012, 28(18): 215-222.
    Abstract PDF
    Land use changes after major function oriented zoning based on SLEUTH model
    Qian Min, Pu Lijie, Zhu Ming
    2012, 28(18): 223-232.
    Abstract PDF
    Ecological and landscape design of farmland shelterbelt in land consolidation
    Liu Wenping, Yu Zhenrong, Yun Wenju, Xiao He, Zhang Qian
    2012, 28(18): 233-240.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of consolidation priority for farmland at county level using grid method
    Shen Lihong, Zhang Chao, Sang Lingling, Chen Yating, Zhang Xiaodong, Yang Jianyu, Zhu Dehai, Yun Wenju
    2012, 28(18): 241-247.
    Abstract PDF
    Qualification of multifractal features of three-dimensional geomorphology in Chabagou catchment
    Lu Kexin, Wang Min, Li Zhanbin, Cui Lingzhou
    2012, 28(18): 248-254.
    Abstract PDF
    Experiment and analysis of mechanical properties of mechanical crushing brown rice
    Zhou Xianqing, Zhang Yurong, Chu Hongqiang, Liu Ying
    2012, 28(18): 255-262.
    Abstract PDF
    Nondestructive determination of pH value in beef using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy and genetic algorithm
    Ma Shibang, Tang XiuYing, Xu Yang, Peng Yankun, Tian XiaoYu, Fu Xing
    2012, 28(18): 263-268.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of blanching treatments on quality of carrot pulp and its processing optimization
    Liu Chunlin, Chen Yilun, Xie Fangchao, Zhang Qi
    2012, 28(18): 269-274.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization on cleaning sterilization processing of cherry tomato
    Yin Yilei, Wang Li, Lian Qinglong, Li Shao, Lu Shaowei, Deng Yongjun
    2012, 28(18): 275-280.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of slightly acidic electrolyzed water and carboxymethyl chitosan preservative on flesh discoloration of peaches
    Zhou Ran, Xie Jing, Gao Qiyao, Chen Qingyan
    2012, 28(18): 281-286.
    Abstract PDF
    Extraction and characterization of protein from cold pressed and traditional pressed degreased walnut dregs
    Guo Xingfeng, Chen Jiluan, Lin Yan, Qin Zihan, Liao Xiaojun, Hu Xiaosong, Wu Jihong
    2012, 28(18): 287-292.
    Abstract PDF