    Spatial distribution characteristics of arable land grade in Western China
    Kong Xiangbin, Zhang Qingpu
    2012, 28(22): 1-7.
    Abstract PDF
    Design and test on belt-type seed delivery of air-suction metering device
    Chen Xuegeng, Zhong Luming
    2012, 28(22): 8-15.
    Abstract PDF
    Development and test of straw grinder with axial vibration screen type
    Fu Min, Li Rui, Ma Lei
    2012, 28(22): 16-22.
    Abstract PDF
    Development and test of tiny remotely controlledelectric tractor for greenhouses
    Wang Yuanjie, Liu Yongcheng, Yang Fuzeng, Lu Yi, Lan Yubin, Chen Zhi
    2012, 28(22): 23-29.
    Abstract PDF
    Force analysis of spatial 4-SPS/CU parallel mechanism
    Wang Gengxiang, Liu Hongzhao, Yuan Daning
    2012, 28(22): 30-38.
    Abstract PDF
    Multi-objective optimization of 6MF-30 pneumatic extinguishers based on CFD
    Xin Zhe, Wang Shunxi, Li Zhaojing, Yun Feng, Guan Qingyun, Huo Xiaolei, Zhang Kepeng
    2012, 28(22): 39-44.
    Abstract PDF
    Dynamic stability analysis on water lubricated bearing rotor system of high pressure multistage pump
    Jiang Xiaoping, Shi Weidong, Li Wei, Ye Xiaoyan, Hu Jingning, Tian Haiping
    2012, 28(22): 45-50.
    Abstract PDF
    Performance test and analysis of submersible axial flow pumpbased on CFD
    Sha Yi, Hou Liyan
    2012, 28(22): 51-57.
    Abstract PDF
    Polar diagram angle-frequency representation and diagnosis for gear wear fault of gearbox
    Jia Jide, Zhang Lingling, Zeng Ruili, Jiang Honghui, Xiao Yunkui, Zhu Zhongkui
    2012, 28(22): 58-62.
    Abstract PDF
    Quantitative analysis of relationship between backlash value and distance of two relief grooves in external gear pump
    Li Yulong, Sun Fuchun
    2012, 28(22): 63-68.
    Abstract PDF
    Performance test of water-cooled low-temperature plasma reactor
    Li Kanghua, Cai Yixi, Li Xiaohua, Han Wenhe, Wei Xing, Jiang Fei
    2012, 28(22): 69-75.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimal allocation of water resources for Jiangsu section of South-to-North Water Transfer East Line Project
    Shi Hansheng, Cheng Jilin, Fang Hongyuan, Lu Xiaowei
    2012, 28(22): 76-81.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatiotemporal variation for soil salinity of field land under long-term mulched drip irrigation
    Li Mingsi, Liu Hongguang, Zheng Xurong
    2012, 28(22): 82-87.
    Abstract PDF
    Dynamics comparison of rain-fed spring maize growth and evapotranspiration in plastic mulching and un-mulching fields
    Wang Hanbo, Gong Daozhi, Mei Xurong, Hao Weiping
    2012, 28(22): 88-94.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of irrigation methods on water use efficiency and fruit quality of jujube in arid area
    Ren Yuzhong, Wang Shuixian, Xie Lei, Dong Xinguang
    2012, 28(22): 95-102.
    Abstract PDF
    Fertilizer performance evaluation for fertigation and conventional fertilization in basin irrigation with ammonium-sulphate application
    Zhang Shaohui, Xu Di, Bai Meijian, Li Yinong
    2012, 28(22): 103-107.
    Abstract PDF
    Identification of potential rainwater harvestingsites using SCS-CN and GIS
    Wang Honglei, Wang Xiuru, Wang Xi, Jiang Lijuan
    2012, 28(22): 108-114.
    Abstract PDF
    Three-dimensional reconstruction of soil pore structure and prediction of soil hydraulic properties based on CT images
    Cheng Ya′nan, Liu Jianli, Lü Fei, Zhang Jiabao
    2012, 28(22): 115-122.
    Abstract PDF
    Soil tillage practices coping with drought climate change in central region of Songliao Plain
    Yin Xiaogang, Liu Wuren, Zheng Hongbing, Zhang Hailin, Chu Qingquan, Wen Xinya, Yin Pengfei, Chen Fu
    2012, 28(22): 123-131.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial simulation of soil total potassium in regional scale for Loess Plateau Region
    Liu Zhipeng, Shao Ming'an, Wang Yunqiang
    2012, 28(22): 132-140.
    Abstract PDF
    Estimating gully development rates in Hilly Loess Region of Western Shanxi province based on QuickBird images
    Li Zhen, Zhang Yan, Yao Wenjun, Zhu Qingke
    2012, 28(22): 141-148.
    Abstract PDF
    Simulation of terrain evolution in small loess watershed based on cellular automata
    Cao Min, Tang Guo'an, Zhang Fang, Yang Jianyi
    2012, 28(22): 149-155.
    Abstract PDF
    Underlying surface characteristics and observation of blown-sand movement in Ulanbuh Desert along Bank of Yellow River
    Du Heqiang, Xue Xian, Sun Jiahuan
    2012, 28(22): 156-165.
    Abstract PDF
    Testing system of image processing algorithm of visual navigation system for harvester based on DaVinci technology
    Zhang Chengtao, Tan Yu, Wu Gang, Wang Shumao
    2012, 28(22): 166-173.
    Abstract PDF
    Recognition and localization methods of occluded apples based on convex hull theory
    Song Huaibo, He Dongjian, Pan Jingpeng
    2012, 28(22): 174-180.
    Abstract PDF
    Comprehensive monitoring model for agricultural drought and its application based on spatial information
    Li Hailiang, Dai Shengpei, Hu Shenghong, Tian Guanghui, Luo Hongxia
    2012, 28(22): 181-188.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis on spring wheat spectrum characteristics influenced by dry-hot wind in Ningxia
    Liu Jing, Zhang Xueyi, Ma Guofei, Cao Ning, Ma Liwen
    2012, 28(22): 189-199.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial distribution characteristics of photosynthetic active radiation in cotton canopy based on geo-statistics
    Li Yabing, Mao Shuchun, Feng Lu, Han Yingchun, Wang Guoping, Fan Zhengyi, Sun Enhong
    2012, 28(22): 200-206.
    Abstract PDF
    Precision analysis and validation of multi-sources landcover products derived from remote sensing in China
    Song Hongli, Zhang Xiaonan
    2012, 28(22): 207-214.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of economical insulation thickness for fordigester based on heat pump heating system
    Shi Huixian, Huangchao, Zhu Hongguang, Pei Xiaomei, Hu Meiqin, Guo Changcheng
    2012, 28(22): 215-221.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of heat preservation of water-cooled swine beds on small group raising of pregnant sows in winter
    Li Wei, Lin Baozhong, Liu Zuohua, Wang Chaoyuan, Li Baoming
    2012, 28(22): 222-226.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of pretreatments with steam-explosion using solar energy and microwave irradiation on biogas production of corn stalk
    Liu Weiwei, Ma Huan, Cao Chengmao, Yang Zhiliang, Zhao Minhui, Kong Xiaoling, Hu Xiaochen
    2012, 28(22): 227-234.
    Abstract PDF
    Effects of additive superphosphate on NH3, N2O and CH4 emissions during pig manure composting
    Luo Yiming, Li Guoxue, Frank Schuchardt, Wang Kun, Jiang Tao, Luo Wenhai
    2012, 28(22): 235-242.
    Abstract PDF
    Time sequence and mode partition of high-standard prime farmland construction in Zhongjiang county, Sichuan province
    Feng Rui, Wu Kening, Wang Qian
    2012, 28(22): 243-251.
    Abstract PDF
    Quantitative effects of climate variations and land-use changes on annual streamflow in Chaobai river basin
    Zhao Yang, Yu Xinxiao, Zheng Jiangkun, Wu Qiaoying
    2012, 28(22): 252-260.
    Abstract PDF
    Spatial distribution scale characteristics of rural settlements and analysis on influencing factors in Danyang city
    Shen Chenhua
    2012, 28(22): 261-268.
    Abstract PDF
    Preservative effects of coating with compound agents combined with extract from Kadsura Longipedunculata on chicken eggs at room temperature
    Zhao Meimei, Yu Xin, Yang Pengbin, Yang Jing
    2012, 28(22): 269-275.
    Abstract PDF
    Prediction of shelf life for quick-frozen dumpling based on BP neural network and effective accumulated temperature theory
    Pan Zhili, Huang Zhongmin, Wang Na, Zhang Zhuo, Xie Xinhua, Suo Biao, Lu Banggui, Ai Zhilu
    2012, 28(22): 276-281.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis on internal moisture changes of carrot slices during drying process using low-field NMR
    Zhang Xukun, Zhu Shusen, Huang Jianhua, Xu Gang, Xu Jianguo, Li Huadong
    2012, 28(22): 282-287.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination and analysis of water desorption and adsorption isotherms of macadamia nut kernel flour
    Wang Yunyang, Zhang Li, Wang Shaojin, Tang Juming, Li Yuanrui
    2012, 28(22): 288-292.
    Abstract PDF