    Yields and water-saving effects of crops as affected by variable rate irrigation management based on soil water spatial variation
    Zhao Weixia, Li Jiusheng, Yang Rumiao, Li Yanfeng
    2017, 33(2): 1-7. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.001
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    Design and parameter optimization on teeth residue plastic film collector of ridged peanut
    Shi Lili, Hu Zhichao, Gu Fengwei, Wu Feng, Wu Penglai
    2017, 33(2): 8-15. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.002
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    Influence of sugarcane harvester cutterhead axial vibration on sugarcane ratoon cutting quality
    Zhou Jinghui, Li Shangping, Yang Daiyun, Zhong Jiaqin, Mo Hanning, Zhang Biao, Deng Xiong
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    Operation parameter optimization of interrupted-whorl screw dewatering device of solid-liquid separator for livestock and poultry manure
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    Design and experiment on real-time monitoring system of wheat seeding
    Lu Caiyun, Fu Weiqiang, Zhao Chunjiang, Mei Hebo, Meng Zhijun, Dong Jianjun, Gao Nana, Wang Xiu, Li Liwei
    2017, 33(2): 32-40. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.005
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    Revolving speed self-detecting control based on low-frequency signal injection for bearingless induction motor
    Yang Zebin, Li Fangli, Chen Zheng, Sun Xiaodong
    2017, 33(2): 41-47. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.006
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    Effect of structural parameters on lubrication performance of floating ring bearing and ring speed ratio in turbocharger
    Li Jiaqi, Ni Jimin, Shi Xiuyong, Xu Xiaochuan, Liu Yue, Li Dongdong, Chen Zhenbin
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    Reducing soot and NO emission from diesel engine exhaust catalyzed by nano-CeO2
    Huang He, Sun Ping, Liu Junheng, Ye Song
    2017, 33(2): 56-60. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.008
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    Improved active disturbance rejection controller on suspension system and its performance analysis
    Huang Dashan, Zhang Jinqiu, Liu Yile, Bi Zhandong
    2017, 33(2): 61-72. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.009
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    Dynamic characteristics analysis of portable twin screw air compressor system
    Wu Wanrong, Liang Xiangjing, Lou Lei
    2017, 33(2): 73-79. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.010
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    Chlorination with lateral flushing controling drip irrigation emitter clogging using reclaimed water
    Song Peng, Li Yunkai, Li Jiusheng, Pei Yiting
    2017, 33(2): 80-86. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.011
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    Monitoring cotton root growth dynamics under mulched drip irrigation using monirhizotron technique
    Chen Wenling, Jin Menggui, Liu Yanfeng, Xian Yang, Huang Jinou
    2017, 33(2): 87-93. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.012
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    Improvement and validation of bilinear surface regression model for daily evapotranspiration estimation
    Shao Yuehong, Liu Yonghe, Wu Junmei
    2017, 33(2): 94-101. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.013
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    Rapeseed dreg additive reducing soil infiltration and improving water retention
    Xing Xuguang, Zhang Pan, Ma Xiaoyi
    2017, 33(2): 102-108. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.014
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    Complex ameliorants screening for reducing swelling ratio and improving shear strength of strong expansive soil
    Shen Taiyu, Xing Shuxiang, Wang Shiji, Cheng Mingshu, Huang Wei
    2017, 33(2): 109-115. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.015
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    Inhibiting effect of nano-carbon on rainfall erosion of different vegetation cover on loess slope land
    Zhou Beibei, Chen Xiaopeng, Lü Jinbang, Ding Qian, Wang Quanjiu
    2017, 33(2): 116-124. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.016
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    Characteristics of particle separation of erosion sediment in slop surface covered with sand
    Tang Shanshan, Gao Haidong, Li Zhanbin, Ren Zongping, Zhang Hui, Su Yuanyi, Zhi Zaixing
    2017, 33(2): 125-130. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.017
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    Effect of simulated rainfall intensities and underground pore fissure degrees on soil nutrient loss from slope farmlands in Karst Region
    Peng Xudong, Dai Quanhou, Li Changlan, Yuan Yingfei, Zhao Longshan
    2017, 33(2): 131-140. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.018
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    Effects of vegetation construction on soil and water conservation in small watershed of purplish soil region, northern Sichuan
    Zheng Jiangkun, Li Jingyuan, Qin Wei, Shan Zhijie, Li Bai, Lang Dengxiao, Ma Xing, Liao Feng
    2017, 33(2): 141-147. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.019
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    Numerical analysis for force at embedded end of sand barrier under wind loads
    Sun Hao, Liu Jinhao, Huang Qingqing
    2017, 33(2): 148-154. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.020
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    Analysis on N application rates considering yield and N2O emission in potato production
    Zhou Long, Long Guangqiang, Tang Li, Zheng Yi
    2017, 33(2): 155-161. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.021
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    Review of effects of carbon nano-materials on crop growth
    Qiao Jun, Zhao Jianguo, Xie Qian, Xing Baoyan, Du Yaqin, Qu Wenshan, Wang Haiqing
    2017, 33(2): 162-170. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.022
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    Wheat canopy spectral reflectance feature response to heavy metal copper and zinc stress
    Wang Hui, Zeng Lusheng, Sun Yonghong, Zhang Jinheng, Guo Qingzeng, Sun Fangli, Song Chaoyu, Chen Jianmei
    2017, 33(2): 171-176. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.023
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    Soybean growth assessment method based on NDVI and phenological calibration
    Han Yanxin, Meng Jihua, Xu Jin
    2017, 33(2): 177-182. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.024
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    Geostatistical models of soil organic carbon density prediction based on soil hyperspectral reflectance
    Liu Yanfang, Song Yuling, Guo Long, Chen Yiyun, Lu Yannian, Liu Yi
    2017, 33(2): 183-191. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.025
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    Calculation method of rice canopy leaf area based on virtual model
    Ding Weilong, Xie Tao, Xu Lifeng, Zhang Yikai
    2017, 33(2): 192-198. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.026
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    Kiwifruit recognition method at night based on fruit calyx image
    Fu Longsheng, Sun Shipeng, Vázquez-Arellano Manuel, Li Shifeng, Li Rui, Cui Yongjie
    2017, 33(2): 199-204. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.027
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    Modeling and validation on path loss of WSN in pig breeding farm
    Zhu Hong, Li Shuang, Zheng Limin, Yang Lu
    2017, 33(2): 205-212. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.028
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    Quantitative assessment and screening of images in lighting environment of typical piggery
    Du Xiaodong, Teng Guanghui, Li Zhuo, Shi Chen
    2017, 33(2): 213-219. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.029
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    Trajectory tracking for group housed pigs based on locations of head/tail
    Gao Yun, Yu Hou'an, Lei Minggang, Li Xuan, Guo Xu, Diao Yaping
    2017, 33(2): 220-226. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.030
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    Simulation analysis of thermal properties of air enclosure covered with aluminum foil in wall of solar greenhouse
    Zhang Xiaodan, Xie Jianming, Yu Jihua, Lü Jian
    2017, 33(2): 227-233. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.031
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    Effect of different combinations of H-type cultivation frames on light and strawberry growth and yield
    Wang Chungling, Song Weitang, Zhao Shumei, Qu Mingshan
    2017, 33(2): 234-239. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.032
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    Determination of carbon dioxide concentration standards and minimum ventilation rates of layer house in winter
    Wang Yang, Wang Chaoyuan, Li Baoming
    2017, 33(2): 240-244. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.033
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    Effect of wave height and direction on hydraulic characteristics of net of pile-column type net enclosure aquaculture system
    Chen Tianhua, Meng Ang, Gui Fukun
    2017, 33(2): 245-251. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.034
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    Solid phase distribution simulation of culture pond with recirculating biofloc technology based on computational fluid dynamics
    Shi Mingming, Ruan Yunjie, Liu Huang, Guo Xishan, Ye Zhangying, Han Zhiying, Zhu Songming
    2017, 33(2): 252-258. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.035
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    Mechanical properties and strength prediction of straw ash concrete
    Zhang Qiang, Li Yaozhuang, Liu Baohua, Xu Zhisheng
    2017, 33(2): 259-265. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.036
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    Spatial-temporal variations of dematerialization of inputs and environmental risk reduction in intensive agricultural region
    Fu Yonghu, Liu Liming, Wang Jiasheng, Ye Jinwei, Guo Yun
    2017, 33(2): 266-275. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.037
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    Establishment and application of iZone system for intelligently identifying preserved zones of permanent prime farmland
    Ma Shifa, Wu Kaizhao, Lao Chunhua, Zhong Yuanjun, Zhang Ting, Huang Tao
    2017, 33(2): 276-282. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.038
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    Analysis of ecological land pattern evolution and ecosystem service value in Bashang plateau
    Wu Aibin, Zhao Yanxia
    2017, 33(2): 283-290. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.039
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    Surface enhanced Raman scattering detection of mixing pesticide residual on orange peel
    Wang Haiyang, Liu Yande, Zhang Yuxiang
    2017, 33(2): 291-296. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.040
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    Discrimination of wine age of Chinese rice wine by electronic tongue based on amino acid profiles
    Yu Haiyan, Zhang Yan, Xu Chunhua, Tian Huaixiang
    2017, 33(2): 297-301. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.041
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    Fluorescence detection of chitosan oligosaccharides plant immune elicitors based on droplets-microfluidics
    Cang Xiaoxin, Zhao Xiaoming, Zhong Runtao, Wang Wenxia, Yin Heng, Zhu Jingbo, Ding Yan
    2017, 33(2): 302-307. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.042
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    Compatibilizer improving properties of tea dust/polylactic acid biomass composites
    Gong Xinhuai, Xin Meihua, Li Mingchun, Yuan Hongxing, Xie Jiansheng
    2017, 33(2): 308-314. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.043
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