    Development of the unmanned driving system for agricultural machinery based on DF2204 continuously variable transmission tractor
    Chen Zhibo, Wen Long, Yang Weizhong, Yang Lili, Zhao Xin, Wu Caicong
    2022, 38(19): 1-9. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.19.001
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    Development of the biaxial stubble breaking no-tillage device for rice stubble field based on EDEM-ADAMS simulation
    Zhu Huibin, Wu Xian, Bai Lizhen, Qian Cheng, Zhao Haoran, Li Hui
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    Torque handover and control of the HMCVT shift clutches under the theoretical shift condition
    Lu Kai, Lu Yang, Deng Xiaoting, Wang Lin, Zhao Yirong, Lu Zhixiong
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    Model modification and parameter identification of tractor hydraulic transmission system characteristics
    Cheng Zhun, Lu Zhixiong
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    Construction of the second-order Godunov scheme model for hydraulic transients in pumping stations
    Zhou Ling, Hu Anni, Wu Jinyuan
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    Development of a vibrating and roller pushing type Allium chinense harvester
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    Hydrodynamic characteristics of the net of seam-edge type net enclosure under the combined wave-current loads
    Wang Shun, Feng Dejun, Gui Fukun
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    Optimizing the geometric parameters for the lateral inflow forebay of the pump sump
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    Characteristics of the water consumption components of winter wheat fields and their effects in the Loess Plateau from 1981 to 2020
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    Effects of graphene soaking and treatment on radish growth and quality
    Li Ziwei, Qiao Jun, Zhi Caiyan, Lei Zhenyu, Huo Jinxian, Zhao Jianguo
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    Pore structure characteristics of different granular filter media based on CT scanning
    Cai Jiumao, Song Lei, Zhang Wenzheng, Zhai Guoliang, Xu Qiang, Li Penglai
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    Evaluating the climatic quality of rice in Anhui Province of China
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    Apple recognition based on two-level segmentation and region-marked gradient Hough circle transform
    Zhang Yanfei, Liu Mingyang, Gong Jinliang, Lan Yubin
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    Recognition of bananas to locate bottom fruit axis using improved YOLOv5
    Duan Jieli, Wang Zhaorui, Zou Xiangjun, Yuan Haotian, Huang Guangsheng, Yang Zhou
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    Fusion of the lightweight network and visual attention mechanism to detect apples in orchard environment
    Hu Guangrui, Zhou Jianguo, Chen Chao, Li Chuanlin, Sun Lijuan, Chen Yu, Zhang Shuo, Chen Jun
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    Instance segmentation method of seedling maize plant images based on weak supervised learning
    Zhao Yanan, Deng Hanbing, Liu Ting, Zhao Lulu, Zhao Kai, Yang Jing, Zhang Yufeng
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    Lightweight detection method for farmland waste based on YOLOv5s
    Xing Jiejie, Xie Dingjin, Yang Ranbing, Zhang Xirui, Sun Wenbin, Wu Shibin
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    Navigation path recognition between tea ridges using improved Unet network
    Zhao Yan, Zhang Rentian, Dong Chunwang, Liu Zhongyuan, Li Yang
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    Ultimate bearing capacity of the solar greenhouse with hat-shaped steel under snow loads
    Wang Cong, Jiang Yingchun, Xu Zhanyang, Zhang Feng, Bai Yikui, Wang Tieliang
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    Straw filtering wastewater and aerobic composting of filter residues and manure on a pig farm
    Wang Lili, Sun Dongsheng, Xu Lei, Zhang Tingting, Feng Zikuo, Yao Yiqing
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    Effects of salt content on the humification and microbial community succession of food waste aerobic composting
    Liu Juan, Shen Yujun, Luo Wenhai, Ding Jingtao, Meng Haibo, Zhou Haibin, Zhang Xi, Cheng Hongsheng, Wang Jian, Xu Pengxiang
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    Effects of three water treatments on the structure of bacterial flora of sea cucumber breeding pond water in spring and autumn
    Zhang Dongsheng, Zhou Wei
    2022, 38(19): 202-211. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.19.022
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    Review of progress on fish breeding and seed production using Recirculating Aquaculture System
    Zhang Yulei, Zhang Yufei, Shan Jianjun, Huang Da, Gao Qianqian
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    Comparative study between CaAl-Cl LDH and conventional immobilizing agents for reducing ecological and health risks of soil Cd
    Chen Xiaochen, Huang Yijia, Zhao Tong, Zhang Fuxiang, Zhao Qi, Chen Yuxi, Zhang Jianyu, Zhang Xuchuan, Xiao Yanchun, Yang Guifang
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    Review of nitrogen migration and transformation during biomass pyrolysis
    Liu Liang, Zheng Yang, Huang Sibiao, Xiao Tingyi, Tian Hong, Qing Mengxia
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    Optimization of the spatial layout of arable land protection using "Three Lines" delineation of territorial spatial planning and spatial autocorrelation attributes of arable land quality
    Han Shu, Guo Guancheng, Shi Yangyang, Cui Jiufu
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    Ecological protection, restoration and management of territorial space using “Importance, Fragility, Ecosystem service value”
    Wei Baojing, Hu Xijun, Zhang Yali, Tang Jia, Kang Peng, Li Ruizhi, Liu Luyun
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    Spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of cultivated land carbon storage and identification of carbon sink areas in Huaihai Economic Zone from 2005 to 2020
    Lin Ziqi, Wang Peijun, Liu Qi, Yang Yali
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    Effects of pre-emulsification of oil treated by high pressure homogenization on the texture properties of textured fibril soy protein vegetarian sausages
    Huang Peiwen, Chen Lin, Din Ting, Chen Qihua, Luo Bin, Ye Siyuan
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    Optimization processes and structural functional properties of high amylose corn starch-lipid complex synthesized via extrusion
    Yu Xiaoshuai, Zhang Junjie, Wang Peng, Xin Guang, Wang Haiguan, Wang Zhenguo, Yuan Yuan, Xiao Zhigang
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    Construction of gluten based blend adhesive system and its application in vegetable meat pie
    Qu Min, Wang Yu, Zhu Xiuqing, Zhu Ying, Liu Linlin, Huang Yuyang, Lyu Mingshou, Sun Bingyu
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    Extraction of soybean hull pectin polysaccharide and its applications in soy protein-based gel foods
    Shen Xiaomei, Ran Gen, Chen Jiafeng, Hou Junjie, Wang Jinmei
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