    Analysis and experiment of the bionic drag reduction characteristics of potato digging shovels on clayey black soil conditions
    LI Junwei, GU Tianlong, LI Xiangyu, WANG Zhaojie, HU Bin, MA Yunhai
    2023, 39(20): 1-9. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202305034
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    Calibration of rototilled soil discrete element parameters after rotary tillage in the preparation process of rapeseed mechanized direct seeding micro-ridge seed bed
    LI Mengliang, WANG Lizong, LIAO Qingxi, LIAO Yitao, XIAO Wenli, ZHANG Qingsong
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    Optimization and experiment of the fertilizer apparatus with staggered gears
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    Minimum-jerk velocity planning and control for CVT tractorvelocity regulation
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    Design and experiments of the whole field path tracking algorithm for a track-based harvester
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    Centering grabbing with variable orientation envelope for hydroponic leafy vegetables cultivated in pipeline
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    Design and experiment of the cleaning device with double-layer vibrating air-sieve for edible sunflower seeds
    LIAN Guodang, MA Lina, FENG Wei, WEI Xinxin, CHENG Yufeng, ZONG Wangyuan
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    Finite volume method for simulating water hammer in pumping stations with free-surface flow and optimization of surge chamber
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    Effects of pump blade cutting on the performance of a hydraulic torque converter
    CHAI Bosen, YANG Haomin, CONG Hao, PAN Jun, ZHU Guoren
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    Multi-variety maize maturity monitoring based on UAV multi-spectral images
    JIANG Youyi, LIU Bowei, ZHANG Chengjian, ZHAO Dan, CHEN Riqiang, XU Bo, LONG Huiling, YANG Guijun, YANG Hao
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    Effects of the flight parameters of plant protection drone on the distribution of pollination droplets and the fruit setting rate of camellia
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    Spatial-temporal variability of natural factors in border fields and its effect on irrigation performance
    LIU Kaihua, JIAO Xiyun, LI Jiang, GUO Weihua, LIU Yi
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    Applicability of the Aquacrop model in optimization of irrigation and salt leaching schedule during the reproductive period of cotton in Northern Xinjiang of China
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    Effects of rated flow rate and lateral position on the clogging of button-type emitter and its mechanism analysis
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    Unidirectional freeze-thaw induced perturbations on layer-specific organic carbon mineralization of a Mollisol
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    Downscaling and fusion of satellite products: A case study of Lantsang River Basin
    HU Xue'er, DONG Xiaohua, MA Yaoming, ZHANG Chengyan, BO Huijuan, GUO Donghao
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    Detection of potato seed buds based on an improved YOLOv7 model
    ZHANG Wanzhi, ZHANG Hongyi, LIU Shufeng, ZENG Xiang, MU Guizhi, ZHANG Tingting
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    Classification and recognition of camellia oleifera fruit in the field based on transfer learning and YOLOv8n
    ZHOU Hongping, JIN Shouxiang, ZHOU Lei, GUO Ziliang, SUN Mengmeng, SHI Minghong
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    Effects of biochar and organic fertilizer on the sorption and dissipation of dinotefuran in paddy soil
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    Effects of iron-modified and phosphorus loaded biochar on the phosphorus utilization and yield of peanut under film mulching
    XIA Guimin, LIU Yuting, LUO Xiulan, PANG Yuguang, ZHENG Junlin, CHI Daocai
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    Effects of biogas slurry pretreatment combined with freeze-thaw on the physicochemical characteristics of rice straw
    WANG Lili, ZHANG Tingting, WANG Zhongjiang, ZHENG Yu
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    Assessing risk and governing of agricultural non-point source pollution in Three Gorges Reservoir Areas
    GUAN Xiaoyan, TAO Yuan, CHEN Haorui, CHANG Xiaomin
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    Spatial characteristics and residents' perception differences of different types of rural areas in suburbs of metropolis
    ZHANG Juan, YAN Jing, SUN Ruirui, WANG Maojun, CAI Beilei
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    Ecological agriculture connotation and pathway of high-quality agricultural development system in Northwest arid region
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    Optimizing spatial coordination layout between town and agriculture using PLUS spatial decision model
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    Landscape characteristics and regional differences of the green space within the rural settlements in Shaanxi Province of China
    MA Yaozhuang, LI Fei, LI Mengfei, JI Wangdi, WANG Yibin
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    Online real-time detection system for cracked eggs using improved YOLOv7
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    Finite element modelling and analysis of the solidification process of eggs using ohmic treatment
    LI Xingshu, LI Lincan, DING Nengshun, GAO Shengdong, LI Shuwang, XIONG Xiufang
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    Quantitative detection of surimi adulteration based on spectral reconstruction of RGB images
    FENG Yaoze, WAN Shiwen, PAN Sheng, LUAN Peng, KONG Liqin, ZHU Ming
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