Suitable application of flue gas desulphurized gypsum to improve the sunflower yield in saline-alkali soil in the Hetao irrigation areas of Inner Mongolia
Graphical Abstract
Abstract: Gypsum can be one of the by-products of the wet Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) process in coal-fired power plants. FGD gypsum can also be widely expected to ameliorate the saline-alkali soil in recent years. In this study, suitable application of desulphurized gypsum to improve the yield of sunflower in saline soil of Hetao irrigation area was selected from three applications of desulphurized gypsum. A field experiment was carried out with three applications (hole, strip, and spread) of FGD gypsum in the Hetao Irrigation District of Inner Mongolia (108°11′ east longitude and 41° 02′ north latitude). The optimal application was determined for the more efficient and low-cost soil amelioration. The treatment without FGD gypsum was also used as the control. Soil samples were collected after the first season of sunflower harvest, with a depth of 100 cm and 20 cm increments at the sites of the sunflower planting strip and the center of small row spacing. An investigation was also made on the effects of different applications of FGD gypsum on the soil pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), and water-soluble cations distribution in the soil profile. The results showed that the three applications of FGD gypsum significantly reduced the soil pH and Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) in the topsoil (0-20 cm), whereas, there was an increase in the concentration of water-soluble cations and the soil EC, compared with the control. The topsoil pH and SAR in the strip application were 20% and 41% lower, while the EC and water-soluble Ca2+ concentrations were 44% and 509% higher than that in the control, respectively. The concentration of water-soluble ions decreased gradually, with the increase of soil depth. However, the concentrations of water-soluble Ca2+ increased by 47%-105% at the 80-100 cm soil layer in the FGD gypsum application. In addition, the concentrations of water-soluble Na+ at the 20-100 cm soil layer in the three FGD gypsum applications were higher than that in the control, resulting in an increase in SAR. The effects of strip and hole on the saline-alkali soil amelioration were greater than that at the center of small row spacing, while there was no significant difference between the two sampling sites in the spread treatment. The three applications of FGD gypsum significantly increased the emergence rate and yield of sunflower, where the highest yield of sunflower was obtained from the strip treatment. Therefore, the effective components under the FGD gypsum strip can be concentrated around the sunflower roots to ameliorate the saline-alkali soil in the Hetao Irrigation District of Inner Mongolia in China.