The Only Way of Rural Energy Development in China——The Course of Integrated Rural Energy Development By Using the County as the Basic Unit
Graphical Abstract
From four respects of the experience in China, the way to develop the rural energy more beneficially is by using the county as the basic unit. The four respects are as follows: (1) According to both the requirement of the development of national economy, especially rural economy, and the close relationship among different individual increasingly ripened rural energy techniques, to explore and utilize the rural energy comprehensively is the way to obtain optimal benefits. (2) According to both the features of integrated development of rural energy and the national situations of China the county is the best basic unit to develop the rural energy. (3)The selection and determination, planning, management and implementation, of rural energy, all these should adopt the advanced appropriate technologies and up to date management approaches. (4)Those 18 integrated ruaral energy development demonstration counties have been appraised by the Chinese Authorities proved that these counties have received so many significant benefits of different fields such as energy, economy, ecology and society. These facts also instruct us that even in these demonstration counties still have great potentiality on the development of rural energy. Surely, the rest of the counties in China can do their work on the development of rural energy much better than those demonstration ones.