Energy-saving Technologies and Operational Management of Agricultural Motors in China
Graphical Abstract
Nowadays some medium and small sized asynchronous motors are widely used in agricultural production and engineering. According to incomplete statistics, 70% of the power of rural electric lines has been drained by rural motors at present. On the one hand,because of incorrect management, choices of types and application of rural motors, problems such as idle running, insufficient usage and low power factor are quite common. Thus the capacity of the rural lines is not in full play. On the other hand, a lot of rural lines lack reactive compensation devices, and harmonic pollution becomes more and more serious in the modern countryside, which leads to low voltage quality and a lot of line loss. In view of these facts, this paper expounds a new project on various energy-saving operations, technological innovations and management, which reduces rural harmonic power losses and increases reactive compensation. This will play an important role in improving the economic benefit of agricultural motors and the rural power network system in China.